3.8.23 PB Minutes
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
3.8.23 PB Minutes
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Last modified
11/13/2023 11:57:17 AM
Creation date
11/13/2023 11:48:22 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet
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3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet - Supplemental Materials
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Approved 4 - 5 - 23 <br /> 1040 the rural community activity node of White Cross is inconsistent with the comprehensive land use plan because you are <br /> 1041 essentially bypassing commercial space limitations and this project proposes having an over 10 , 000 square foot retail <br /> 1042 space that' s magnitudes larger than the other commercial establishments that have existed there for a long time . So , <br /> 1043 think that this is inconsistent with the comprehensive land use plan because of that reason , I ' m concerned that it <br /> 1044 bypasses and subverts the limitations on commercial uses in the rural activity node , that it' s also inconsistent with the <br /> 1045 resource protection area of the White Cross School and that, as Ms . Bronson pointed out, that it appears that the traffic <br /> 1046 impact study may be insufficient, given the level of traffic that may be anticipated and the timing of that study that was <br /> 1047 done during the pandemic when we know that a lot of vehicular traffic was limited . <br /> 1048 1 would move to not recommend that this zoning change be approved to the Orange County Commissioners based on <br /> 1049 those reasons . <br /> 1050 <br /> 1051 Randy Marshall - Don ' t we have to have a motion to approve and then vote it up or down ? <br /> 1052 <br /> 1053 Delores Bailey- I have a comment before we vote . <br /> 1054 Bob Hornik- Had a correction concerning the traffic study. He said the study was done in November 2022, not during the <br /> 1055 pandemic. <br /> 1056 <br /> 1057 David Blankfard - The study said that if they didn ' t do anything it would be just as bad as if they did do something . <br /> 1058 <br /> 1059 Beth Bronson . Correct . <br /> 1060 <br /> 1061 David Blankfard - So it' s not as if because we' re building this , it' s going to get worse , it' s going to get, worse naturally <br /> 1062 because people are moving more and driving more between Alamance and Carrboro . <br /> 1063 <br /> 1064 Lamar Proctor- I withdraw the statement on traffic . My concerns about its inconsistency with the comprehensive land use <br /> 1065 plan and the rural community activity node are the same . <br /> 1066 <br /> 1067 Randy Marshall. I ' m happy to make a motion and then people can vote the way they want to . I don 't think you can make <br /> 1068 the motion in the negative . You have to make the motion and then vote it down if you don ' t agree with it . <br /> 1069 <br /> 1070 Delores Bailey- There are a couple of pieced that I heard in the public comment about this project, specifically the words <br /> 1071 that hit me were ; for conditional zoning that we' re looking for, for the change of this to meet a distinct need of the <br /> 1072 community, a good civic design and compatible , and harmonious with what we are trying to do for this area . While <br /> 1073 agree that we do need more commercial projects , when I listen to the person from the public describe the sizes of the <br /> 1074 other commercial properties that are out there in this area , this seems tremendously out of scale with what we' ve got <br /> 1075 there . The value of rural preservation is important to me and so I in my zoning purview as the applicant kept reminding <br /> 1076 us that this is about a zoning piece , zoning does require us to look at this as it meets a distinct need of the community <br /> 1077 and good civic design , and I have some concerns about that . <br /> 1078 <br /> 1079 David Blankfard - We can 't add conditions to the project beyond the 6 that the applicant has stated , and I wanted to know <br /> 1080 if anybody else on the board had any additional conditions that they would say, if we did this , we would change our vote . <br /> 1081 <br /> 1082 Beth Bronson . I have one condition that I was thinking of. I would like to put forth the idea of a condition that the right- <br /> 1083 hand turn lane on 54 going south towards White Cross be extended an additional 100 feet. <br /> 1084 <br /> 1085 Charity Kirk- Would you approve the project if it was ? <br /> 1086 <br /> 1087 Beth Bronson - Yes . <br /> 1088 <br /> 1089 Taylor Perchau - I want, to remind you that any condition does have to be agreed upon . Also , if we are talking about a <br /> 1090 condition that is an NCDOT right of way , we are bringing in a 3rd party that can 't offer their statement on that tonight . <br /> 1091 Beth Bronson - That would be my suggestion . I am open to any other conditional requests . <br /> 1092 <br /> 1093 Adam Beeson - Does anyone want to vote on Beth ' s suggestion , up or down ? <br /> 1094 <br />
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