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Approved 4- 5 - 23 <br /> 604 Beth Bronson - My question is about the traffic impact analysis that was performed on that intersection , specifically for the <br /> 605 conditional zoning application . With that conditional zoning application , they performed a traffic impact analysis that <br /> 606 observed both the intersection of Hwy 54 going both east and west, and then White Cross coming north and turning east <br /> 607 or west . From White Cross , that' s the right towards Carrboro or the left towards Graham and Alamance County . White <br /> 608 Cross is considered a minor road , it' s rural , however there are few roads that come off of the Greensboro highway to <br /> 609 Hwy 54 . White Cross is therefore a main artery from the Greensboro highway to Hwy 54 . My question is that the level of <br /> 610 service was rated an A , but it was unclear what the projected traffic was going to look like in 2024 . <br /> 611 <br /> 612 Bob Hornik- For which section of road ? <br /> 613 <br /> 614 Beth Bronson - One for the parcel itself, so one for the business itself . . . the numbers that they generated for the projected <br /> 615 traffic . <br /> 616 <br /> 617 Bob Hornik- I know there was a trip generation which I want to say was 31 in the AM peak hour and 83 in the PM peak <br /> 618 hour. <br /> 619 <br /> 620 Beth Bronson - It looked like the existing characteristics were listed as a level of service A . If you actually look at the level <br /> 621 of service A , it describes free-flowing operations . <br /> 622 <br /> 623 Bob Hornik- Like in school , an A is pretty good . <br /> 624 <br /> 625 Beth Bronson- So there is no need for any kind of consideration because there ' s no stopping of traffic . When I ' m looking <br /> 626 at the existing traffic in that area , actually turning left or right off that road onto Hwy 54 or turning left off of 54 onto that <br /> 627 road is not necessarily represented in this traffic impact analysis so I wanted to know if anyone could speak to the <br /> 628 conditions under which they did the observation ? I know that there is an algorithm in their appendix but it' s very <br /> 629 confusing so I didn ' t know if anyone could describe that? <br /> 630 <br /> 631 Bob Hornik- I can ' t really speak to that . I know that the TIA was scoped before it was done , it was reviewed by NCDOT , <br /> 632 and DeAngelo reviewed it and said it was satisfactory to NCDOT . We made the plan modification that NCDOT asked us <br /> 633 to make with the right turn lane . <br /> 634 <br /> 635 Beth Bronson - So , the right turn lane off of 54 onto White Cross , was not part of the plan . The site plan of the applicant <br /> 636 specifies 100 feet, right turn lane , off of . . . <br /> 637 <br /> 638 Bob Hornik- White Cross into the parking lot . <br /> 639 <br /> 640 Beth Bronson - The easement , of the highway , so that 100 feet would include some of what the DOT 's easement exists <br /> 641 already . <br /> 642 <br /> 643 Bob Hornik- I think it' s probably all the NC DOT right of way . If it's not all , then it' s a good part of it is , the right turn lane . <br /> 644 <br /> 645 Beth Bronson - Would that business also have a right of way because it was zoned originally as a business? <br /> 646 <br /> 647 Bob Hornik- I ' m confused by that question . <br /> 648 <br /> 649 Beth Bronson - It' s probably not significant . I think my question has to do with the fact that what the traffic analysis has <br /> 650 recommended is a 100 foot, right turn lane off of White Cross . However, there' s and maybe this is just my perception of <br /> 651 measurement , but there' s not even 100 feet of a right turn lane off at 54 into White Cross . So , what you ' re asking is that <br /> 652 people coming down 54 , eastbound are going to have to , if they , this projected 31 AM , and 83 PM peak . . . <br /> 653 <br /> 654 Bob Hornik- They would have to make a right and then make a right . <br /> 655 <br /> 656 Beth Bronson - Yes , they would have to make a right and then make a right, or they have to make a left and then make a <br /> 657 left . To me it seems like those numbers are combined . It looks like total daily . <br /> 658 <br />