3.8.23 PB Minutes
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
3.8.23 PB Minutes
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Last modified
11/13/2023 11:57:17 AM
Creation date
11/13/2023 11:48:22 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Planning Board\Agendas\2023
3.8.23 PB Agenda Packet - Supplemental Materials
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Approved 4 - 5 - 23 <br /> 494 Cy Stober- I don ' t know . <br /> 495 <br /> 496 Lamar Proctor- But there's a limitation ? <br /> 497 <br /> 498 Cy Stober- There is , yes sir. <br /> 499 <br /> 500 Lamar Proctor- Why? <br /> 501 <br /> 502 Cy Stober= Some of it' s been consumed by the existing businesses that are there , but there is available acreage . <br /> 503 <br /> 504 Perdita Holtz- It' s 10 acres for LC- 1 and 10 acres for NC - 2 , so 20 acres combined . <br /> 505 <br /> 506 Lamar Proctor- 20 acres combined for that rural activity node . <br /> 507 <br /> 508 Cy Stober- Some of that has been consumed by the existing businesses that are there , which is why the split-zoning <br /> 509 request came before you before . <br /> 510 <br /> 511 Lamar Proctor- That' s to preserve the rural character of that area , right? <br /> 512 <br /> 513 Perdita Holtz- It is , but you may recall that we also spoke to the fact that we require a greater area to be rezoned for <br /> 514 commercial use than was previously required . For instance , now we require the septic areas and the well area all be <br /> 515 zoned commercial because it is serving the commercial use . One of the things that needs to be looked at is whether 10 <br /> 516 acres is an appropriate amount given that one use can potentially take all the 10 acres . <br /> 517 <br /> 518 Lamar Proctor- Right , also because conditional districts like this are exempted from the limitations on the rural <br /> 519 community activity nodes , what you could see happen is you could see multiple conditional districts being approved in a <br /> 520 rural area , thereby bypassing that limitation , thereby destroying the rural character of that particular community . <br /> 521 <br /> 522 Cy Stober- You could have multiple non - residential conditional requests in an activity node . <br /> 523 <br /> 524 Lamar Proctor- Right , so that' s tricky and that' s something we should definitely be looking at in the separate issue of the <br /> 525 comprehensive land use plan and the UDO . What you ' re going to see is exactly this , that developers will just apply for a <br /> 526 conditional district, and you ' ll end up with 10- 20 conditional districts bypassing what the comprehensive land use plan <br /> 527 had envisioned in terms of preserving the rural character of a particular community . <br /> 528 <br /> 529 Cy Stober- I think it deserves further exploration , yes . <br /> 530 <br /> 531 Charity Kirk- That' s a very good point, thank you . <br /> 532 <br /> 533 Statler Gilfillen - I assume that in this packet, the images of what they are proposing the building will be is consistent with <br /> 534 what is planned to be built . Buried in the back of the packet, there is a letter from Peter Sandbeck who is in charge of the <br /> 535 historic commission on behalf of Orange County . I am a past member, I am a licensed architect, I have some expertise in <br /> 536 preservation . I think his letter was very well written . In that letter, I would like to comment if I could and maybe get a <br /> 537 comment back on this because we are talking about a small community and the fabric of the community . The building <br /> 538 itself and the store may service more people passing through than the people that live there . As such , it may have a <br /> 539 negative impact on the community if you follow what Peter Sandbeck is saying . I ' d like some comment on this . Quoting " <br /> 540 Any proposed project that has a potential to adversely affect a designated Historic landmark is subject to a higher level <br /> 541 of review with the goal of working with the property developers to find ways to reduce or eliminate any potential negative <br /> 542 visual or physical impact on a landmark property . " He goes on to say in the next paragraph "the proposed new building <br /> 543 completely ignores and turns its back toward the historic school as well as toward many motorists that will pass the site <br /> 544 each day . This is not an acceptable treatment in such close proximity to this significant landmark that has been <br /> 545 recognized by Orange County Historic Preservation Commission . " That tells me , as an architect involved in preservation , <br /> 546 the impact of this building as an architectural statement and I appreciate the amount of work , time , and money that they <br /> 547 have spent in providing this proposal . But the impact of this design within this small community at this crossroads may be <br /> 548 very negative . Could somebody respond to that? <br />
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