Orange County NC Website
7 8 <br /> B. Law enforcement officers should advise respondents when taking them into custody that <br /> they are not under arrest and have not committed a crime, but are being taken into <br /> custody and transported to receive treatment and for their own safety and that of others. <br /> C. To the extent feasible, law enforcement agencies transporting an IVC individual should <br /> provide a driver or attendant of the same gender or, alternatively, allow a family member <br /> of the IVC individual to accompany them. <br /> D. Law enforcement officers may use reasonable force to restrain the NC individual if it <br /> appears necessary for protection of themselves, the NC individual or others. Officers <br /> shall use every effort to avoid restraint of a child under age 10 unless the child's behavior <br /> or other circumstances dictate that restraint is necessary. <br /> E. Law enforcement officers shall respond to all inquiries from the destination facility <br /> concerning the IVC individual's behavior and any use of restraints during custody or <br /> transport, unless the information is confidential or would compromise a law <br /> enforcement investigation. <br /> F. The cost and expenses of custody and transportation of a respondent are set forth in GS <br /> 122C-251(h). <br /> VI. Other <br /> A. This Agreement may be modified by mutual agreement of all the parties. <br /> B. Any party may withdraw from this Agreement by written notice from its governing body. <br /> C. This Agreement shall be submitted to the magistrates in the judicial district of each party <br /> to the Agreement, to the county clerks of court, to the LME/MCO that serves the city or <br /> county, and to the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance <br /> Abuse Services. <br />