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10 <br /> OnTechnical Approach <br /> Phase B — Engagement Implementation as they relate to this project. Using previous engagement as <br /> In alignment with the timeline provided,we propose to launch a baseline,this workshop will use a design thinking approach <br /> the engagement implementation phase after two months of based in equity and deliberation to identify shared interests. <br /> Planning&Strategy with the following activities and workshops Options could include using collaborative problem-solving game <br /> over the following two months.This approach assumes a design methodologies to facilitate shared understanding or topic led <br /> team will be on board for Phase B and specific community events. brainstorming that explores design concepts. <br /> Activities will be tracked on the engagement roadmap,which will <br /> be used as a live document that will evolve with feedback over The team will present the initial focus areas,guiding principles, <br /> the course of the engagement activities. and possible design priorities as part of a second facilitated <br /> workshop.Through the workshop,we will develop a set of Design <br /> We are proposing to facilitate design workshops with the design Criteria and Evaluation Measures that will inform the planning <br /> team,distill input,and document the process. and design approach. Breakout sessions will be used to facilitate <br /> deeper conversation around key topics and validate the initial <br /> Design Workshop One:Vision Launch&Alignment approach. <br /> The team will conduct an interactive and dynamic vision session, <br /> typically lasting two to three hours for public stakeholders to The fee assumes up to 75 participants and approximately 5 <br /> engage and build a shared understanding of possibilities.With facilitators hosting the event. Logistics and coordination support <br /> potential to co-host with a community partner like RENA,these relative to facility procurement,food and refreshments,or <br /> large-scale meetings are meant to inform and educate the public translation,would be provided by Orange County planning <br /> on the project status and coalesce priorities,vision,and goals for staff.The team will document feedback and create a summary <br /> the development.The purpose of this meeting will be to re-ignite document. Recognizing that not all community members will be <br /> public discussion on the Greene Tract,share the engagement able to attend these workshops,all content from these meetings <br /> roadmap,and guide the public through a series of interactive will be posted online and made available to the public. <br /> exercises to explore key areas of opportunity and challenge <br /> t � ' <br /> 1 <br /> Gensler 1 4 <br />