Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> E ORANGE COUNTY GOVERNMENT <br /> ORANGE <br /> TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT 0 <br /> COUNTY <br /> ,,�,. <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Board of County Commissioners <br /> FROM: Darlene Weaver, Transportation Planning Manger <br /> DATE: November 14, 2023 <br /> SUBJECT: Transit Dashboard Update <br /> This memorandum is an update to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on <br /> Orange County Transportation Services (OCTS) Transit Dashboard. <br /> Spring 2023, Orange County Transportation Services (OCTS) contracted with WSP to <br /> create a transit tracking dashboard similar to Wake County Transit Performance Tracker <br /> (link). These public resources will be published through the OCTS main website to provide <br /> the general public a constant update on all aspects of the County's public transit services. <br /> The transit dashboard has two functions: Transit Map and Performance Data. Each <br /> provide different information regarding the County's transit services. The Transit Map <br /> indicates the fixed routes, demand response and mobility-on-demand, especially where <br /> transit vehicles are so customers know when one is approaching. People can zoom into <br /> the map and get more information such as bus number and stop details. <br /> The Performance data illustrates the transit services in six tables. Customers can click <br /> the pull down menu on the top left and see the data by service type. Fixed route data is <br /> broken down by individual routes while demand response and mobility-on-demand are <br /> consolidated by service. Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard) reviewed this <br /> important recourse and it is ready to go live. <br /> Orange County Transportation Services will continue making improvements on the <br /> dashboard. Staff is currently working with WSP in drafting the Transportation Multimodal <br /> Plan and enhancing our data presentation. <br /> Please forward any questions, comments or concerns to Nishith Trivedi at <br /> ntrivedi(a-) <br /> 1 <br />