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2 <br /> carries a significant environmental justice concern and cited the Board's Social Justice Goals. He <br /> said of the 35 homes within 1,000 feet that the previous speaker mentioned, 80% of them are <br /> already within 1000 feet of the biosolid field, and 60%of them make up a mobile home community. <br /> Of those living in the mobile home community, he said 60% are Hispanic or Latino. He said those <br /> families didn't receive any information in Spanish from anyone, and they do not want this either, <br /> but are not comfortable coming forward. He said questions of disproportionate burden should be <br /> asked any time one community asked to accommodate multiple waste management activities, <br /> especially if the community shares demographic or socioeconomic traits. He asked the Board to <br /> direct Solid Waste to come up with a new proposal that doesn't affect a residential area. <br /> Joyce McGuire said she and her husband have lived at their home, adjacent to the <br /> proposed waste facility and the OWASA biofield, for 35 years. She said she is most concerned <br /> with noise, odor, and potential well water contamination because of the waste and recycling <br /> center. She said the closest properties to the site are only 100 feet away and there will be <br /> extremely loud compactors, shattering glass, backup beepers, and slamming cars 6 days a week <br /> all day long. She said complete odor-containment is impossible and foul-smelling odors will <br /> greatly depreciate surrounding property values. Regarding wells, she said some residents' wells <br /> are within 500 feet of the proposed facility and there can be no guarantee that this won't result in <br /> contamination of the wells of surrounding homes. She asked the commissioners to say no to the <br /> Solid Waste Department's request to build a waste and recycling center on this site. She also <br /> encouraged Board members to walk the property and stated that after doing so they will see that <br /> this is not a suitable location. <br /> Susan Walser said she lives in Bingham Township. She said she doesn't live near the <br /> site, but she is part of this community and is concerned. She said she is a realtor and is concerned <br /> that any resident around the facility will have to disclose that there is odor and noise from the <br /> commercial facility when attempting to sell their property. She said this facility will certainly have <br /> a negative impact on real estate in this area. Ms. Walser also said she was at the Solid Waste <br /> Advisory Group meeting last night and there was a presentation by a consultant about a zero- <br /> waste proposal. She stated that the survey conducted in relation to this topic was only completed <br /> by 1,400 people and the results don't represent the county. She said the numbers in the <br /> presentation didn't make sense. She added that the presentation was geared toward the towns <br /> and proposed raising the solid waste fees which would have a negative impact on the many <br /> financially compromised people in the county. She said this would benefit the towns but not the <br /> rural townships. She encouraged the Board to focus on what is wanted vs. what is needed in the <br /> county. <br /> Marilee McTigue said she has lived in Orange County for over 30 years and resides in <br /> Bingham township around 5 miles away from the proposed site for the waste and recycling center. <br /> She said the people in this area don't see the need for this and don't understand the justification <br /> for the cost. She said she'd rather see this money go toward other rural needs like more <br /> investment in high-speed internet. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee arrived at 7:15 pm. <br /> Joshua Setzer said his home is about 1,700 feet from the proposed waste and recycling <br /> center site. He said there are a lot of problems with this proposal. He said closing the Bradshaw <br /> and Ferguson sites will mean more driving for residents which is counter to the idea of a <br /> convenience center. He said this may also lead to more illegal burning and dumping of garbage. <br /> He said there is a path to upgrading the current facilities, which would better benefit residents. He <br /> said the bins do need repair and replacement and has heard people would like the existing <br /> facilities to be open more days a week. He said he understands this is a staffing issue and <br /> suggested paying staff more. He said there are sport shooting ranges near the site that would <br /> make residents uncomfortable using the facility. He said building the site would require clear- <br />