Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> David Sturtz said this slide shows the deficiencies by building. He said if you are less than <br /> 90% of the minimum standard then it is undersized. He said the schools score lower because <br /> they are older. <br /> Slide #17 <br /> ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (CHCCS) - OPTIONS <br /> Planning Area Current Option Impact <br /> Condition <br /> CHCCS ES Option Description Capacity Enrollment FCI Utilization Needs{0-5 Total Option Resulting Resulting <br /> years) <br /> Investment Capacity Utilization <br /> option Priority Maintenance $109,462,641 5,795 90% <br /> Option 8 Minor Renovations to Improve Educational Adequacy $125,348,379 5,795 80% <br /> Option Major and Minor Renovations to Improve Condition&Adequacy 5,795 4,657 26% 80% $127,045,442 $220,990,781 5,319 BB% <br /> Option D Create a K-e School for Estes Hills ES&Phillips MS $215,796,319 4,790 97% <br /> David Sturtz said one option for Estes Hills Elementary and Phillips Middle Schools is to <br /> combine their campuses and build one K-8 school. He said they will look at the first three priorities. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee asked for clarification that if they only do renovations, they lose capacity <br /> of 1,000 students. <br /> David Sturtz said that was correct. He said they modeled how many classrooms they <br /> would lose in a renovation. <br />