Orange County NC Website
Actuarial <br /> ➢ The June 30, 2020 valuation was used as the basis. <br /> ➢ The following table presents the estimated Total OPEB Liability (TOL) <br /> as of June 30, 2021. <br /> TOL at 2.16% TOL at 7.00% <br /> Total OPEB Liability $1615879,726 $78,3911244 <br /> Plan Net Position $4295766 $429,766 <br /> Net OPEB Liability $161,449,960 $771961,478 <br /> ➢ The County can attain a 7% Single Equivalent Interest Rate with a 7% <br /> Long Term Rate of Return (LTRoR) and annual employer contribution <br /> equal to the Actuarial Determined Contribution (ADC). The ADC at <br /> 7% for FY24 and FY25 is about $7.7 million. <br /> ➢ The County would need to adopt a formal funding policy including a <br /> written agreement to make annual contributions equal to the ADC. <br /> rr sx <br />