Orange County NC Website
(Gain)/Loss Anafrom 1 to 2023 <br /> Fiscal Year Ending June 3 0 2023 2022 2021 ii 2019 2018 2017 <br /> Discount Rate 3.65% 3.54% 2.16% 2.21% 3.50% 3.89% 3.57% <br /> Total OPEB Liability (TOL) $120,922,922 $132,737,808 $161,879,726 $137,498,540 $107,019,636 $96,207,886 $96,763,784 <br /> Fiduciary Net Position (FNP) 381,735 363,033 429,766 308,196 300,941 283,778 259,918 <br /> Net OPEB Liability (NOL=TOL- FNP) $120,541,187 $132,374,775 $161,449,960 $137,190,344 $106,718,695 $95,924,108 $96,503,866 <br /> Assumptions ($410,845) ($34,822,029) ($5,075,957) $26,272,770 $6,841,423 ($5,125,557) ($9,448,990) <br /> Actual vs. Expected Experience ($16,634,969) ($709,451) $23,633,991 ($804,583) ($793,706) $574,520 $0 <br /> Plan Investments $6,710 $96,817 ($106,160) $7,792 ($2,974) ($10,864) $0 <br /> ➢ Primary drivers of the Assumption (gain)/loss are discount rate changes and <br /> demographic assumption changes. Demographic assumptions were based on the <br /> 1/1/2010 through 12/31/2014 LGERS board experience study prior to 6/30/2021 and <br /> the 1/1/2015 through 12/31/2019 LGERS experience study starting with the <br /> 6/30/2021 report. <br /> ➢ Primary drivers of the Actual vs. Expected Experience (gain)/loss are demographic <br /> changes, premium changes, and benefit payment differences. <br /> ➢ Plan Investments are relatively stable except for large gain in 2021 and large loss in <br /> 2022. <br /> rr sx <br />