Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> LONG RANGE(2035-2040) <br /> # Description Cost YR <br /> Move Public defender out of 115 E. King st <br /> LR 1 (lease) and into Justice center 2nd Floor 2035 <br /> Deconstruct Battle Courtroom and build a new <br /> LR 2 Superior Court Addition to Justice Center 2035 <br /> Build Addition to the east of Justice center for a <br /> new Superior Courtroom. Move Superior Court <br /> LR 3 out of Historic Courthouse. 2036 <br /> Convert Historic Courthouse to a Cultural <br /> LR 4 Center/Museum 2036 <br /> Build Health (Med +Dental Clinics) Building, <br /> LR 5 move staff out of Whitted. 2037 <br /> Build Addition to LR 5 Building for Helath Admin <br /> LR 6 Spaces, move staff out of Whitted. 2037 <br /> Move County Attorney, Equity& Inclusion to <br /> Whitted Building. Exit lease of 1000 Corpoerate <br /> LR 7 Drive. 2038 <br /> Build Social Services campus to Replace <br /> Hillsborough Common Exit Hillsborough <br /> LR 8 Commons lease. 2039 <br /> Move Finance &Administrative Services and <br /> Risk Management out of West Campus Office <br /> LR 9 Building to Whitted Building. 2039 <br /> Renovate West campus to accommodate growth <br /> LR 10 of remaining departments. 2040 <br /> Note: Long Range projects are not budgeted, as they occur at a future date that would make such <br /> budgets unreliable. It is recommended that the Facilities Master Plan should be reviewed and updated <br /> every five years. These projects should be budgeted at a time closer to actual implementation. <br />