Orange County NC Website
VIKING A WATER SHORTAGE, RESTRICTING THE USE OF WATER AND <br /> WATER WITHDRAWALS, AND ALLOCATING AUGMENTED STREAN.FIAW <br /> MGM RESERVOIRS. 1E <br /> W.=E_AE, University Lake - is a significant so u ce of raw <br /> water from which the orange Water and sever <br /> Authority Supplies water to Orange County; and <br /> W.?EREAS, a critical wltar SCpply condition exists on fee <br /> Upper Eno River with. only Lake Orange DO rely upon' <br /> in times of drought as a significant reserve Water <br /> source for (a) supplying Hillsborough, Orange Water <br /> and Sewer Authority, and Orange Alamance, and for <br /> (b) augmenting streamflow in the Eno River to <br /> assimilate waste discharge from the Town of <br /> Hillsborough Wastewater Treatment Plant; and <br /> WHEREAS, the level of both University Lake and Lake orange <br /> must be managed to insure that Orange County <br /> citizens have essential supplies of water in these <br /> reservoirs can extend the tine and availability of <br /> valiesfor all users during critical periods; and <br /> WHEREAS, some degree of demand reduction and coomeration by <br /> the users of the water these reservoirs can <br /> extend the time and availability of s upplies for <br /> all users during critical periods; and <br /> W2RT--ASj no user has the right to withdraw a <br /> disproportionate share Of the augmented Flow nor <br /> reduce natural Etreamflow such that other <br /> downstream ri_earian needs and instrean needs cannot <br /> be satisfied; and <br /> WHEP AS, General Statutes Section 15SA-121 authorizes own=s <br /> of stared water to set =lea to govern water <br /> allocation during drought periods; and <br /> wRzpnis, orange County has developed conservation rules and <br /> an allocation plan based upon monthly raw water <br /> withdrawal records, modeling of streamflow <br /> conditions as have existed over a 60 year period by <br /> the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, and <br /> culation of the 7-day 10 year low flow at Lake <br /> Ben Johnson. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Orange <br /> County, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes Section <br /> 153A-121, ORDAINS: <br /> ARTICLE 1 water Shortage and Withdrawal/conservation <br /> Restrictions <br /> A. Wn11e water is flowing over the Lake Orange Eoillway, normal c - <br /> ditions will be deemed to exist with no withdrawal or consarva- <br /> tion restrictions to be enforced. <br /> A Water shortage shell be declared to exist with respect to Taks <br /> Orange, whenever the level of Lake Orange reaches the second O: <br /> seven stages shown on Table 1, or Whenever emergencies develoc <br /> such that citizens cannot be supplied with water to protect their <br /> health-, safety and welfare without no ..—ailing the water demand. <br /> Conservation =assures and a limit o withdrawals shall be insti- <br /> tuted upon reaching the alert stage and made m restrictive <br /> through successive stages of drought in an effort more <br /> Drclong the <br /> availability o water, Each mablic water user must m e <br /> Ic allow- <br /> ance to pass below its intake facilities the prescribed minimum <br />