Orange County NC Website
goo <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NINTH EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this the 2nd day of November, 2023 by and between Orange County, a <br /> political subdivision of the State of North Carolina , hereinafter called " County, " party of the first part, and John <br /> Roberts , hereinafter called " Employee , " party of the second part : <br /> WITNESSETH . <br /> WHEREAS, the County and Employee entered into an Employment Agreement dated August 17 , 2010 , as amended , <br /> for the management and provision of legal services to the Board of Commissioners and County government <br /> ( hereinafter the "Original Agreement " ) ; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County and Employee desire to amend the Original Agreement , while keeping in effect all terms and <br /> conditions of the Original Agreement, as amended , not inconsistent with the terms and conditions set forth below . <br /> NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements made herein , and for good and <br /> valuable consideration , the receipt of which is acknowledged , the parties agree to amend the Original Agreement by <br /> deleting Section 7 in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 7 as follows : <br /> SECTION 7 : SALARY <br /> Employee will be paid a base annualized salary of Two Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars <br /> ( $ 217, 500 . 00 ) , payable on the same schedule as for other County employees . Changes to Employee' s compensation <br /> shall be administered in a manner similar to other county employees subject to an evaluation process administered <br /> by the Board of County Commissioners . If Employee is to receive a salary adjustment equal , as a percentage, to <br /> adjustments received by all county employees such adjustment, in the form of an increase, may be granted without <br /> amendment to this Employment Agreement . If Employee ' s salary adjustment is in the form of. a decrease or an <br /> increase greater, as a percentage , than that of other county employees , such adjustment must be in the form of an <br /> amendment to this Employment Agreement . <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, this Amendment has been executed by the parties hereto and is effective July 1, 2023 . <br /> COUNTY EMPLOYEE <br /> BY : <br /> Jameze Bed rd John Roberts <br /> Chair, Board of County Commissioners <br /> This instrument has been pre - audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act : <br /> Office of the Chief Financial Officer Date . <br />