Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: F833C4C4-45E2-4BA1-AE7E-4660D9BCFE2A <br /> addition, Orange County shall not be obligated to pay Durham County any payments, fees, expenses, <br /> or compensation under this MOU. In the event that rental proceeds are not sufficient to cover the <br /> costs of equipment, repair, and other related program expenses, the Parties will address these costs <br /> via mutual agreement set forth in writing. <br /> Sec. 5. Contact Information and Personnel <br /> The following Durham County and Orange County representatives will serve as the main points of <br /> contact for this specific MOU, and are to receive any and all notices relevant to this MOU and the <br /> MPU Program: <br /> Durham County: <br /> Donna Rewalt, Cooperative Extension Director:,, 919-560-0524 <br /> John Lyttle, Cooperative Extension Agent: John, 919-560-8757 <br /> Orange County: <br /> Jonathon Smith, Cooperative Extension, 919-245-2057 <br /> Mike Ortosky, Cooperative Extension, (919) 270-6528 <br /> Mart Bumgarner, Cooperative Extension Agent: mart bum ag, 919-245-2062 <br /> Should any of the above-listed individuals be no longer employed with their respective Cooperative <br /> Extension programs, or otherwise be serving in a different capacity, the then-current Cooperative <br /> Extension directors shall determine the contacts and other related personnel, contacts, and <br /> administrative matters necessary to carrying out the Program and the terms of this Memorandum. <br /> Should there be a change to any of the contact information described in this Section, the changing <br /> Party shall notify the other Party of the new information within 30 days of the change. <br /> Sec. 6. Indemnification <br /> Neither party agrees to indemnify or hold harmless the other party. However, to the extent <br /> permitted by law, each party agrees to be responsible for its own acts or omissions and any and all <br /> claims, liabilities, injuries, suits, and demands and expenses of all kinds which may result from or arise <br /> out of any alleged malfeasance or neglect caused or alleged to have been caused by that party, <br /> its employees, subcontractors, or representatives, in the performance or omission of any act of <br /> responsibility of that party under this MOU. In the event that a claim is made against both parties it <br /> is the intent of both parties to cooperate in the defense of said claim. However, either party shall <br /> have the right to take any and all actions they believe necessary to protect their interest arising out of <br /> the performance or nonperformance of this MOU. This provision shall survive the termination of this <br /> MOU. Notwithstanding the above, Durham County and Orange County do not waive their <br /> governmental immunity, or any other immunity granted by law. <br /> 3 <br />