Orange County NC Website
RES-2023-072 2 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> RESOLUTION SUPPORTING <br /> OPERATION GREEN LIGHT FOR VETERANS <br /> WHEREAS, the residents of' Orange County respect, admire, and appreciate the individuals who <br /> selflessly have served the United States of America in the Armed Forces by placing themselves in <br /> challenging or perilous situations for the good of all; and <br /> WHEREAS, the contributions and sacrifices of those individuals who served in the Armed Forces have <br /> been vital in maintaining the freedoms and ways of life that we enjoy in our local communities; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County seeks to join other communities through Operation Green Light for <br /> Veterans in shining a light on the plight of veterans across the country who are having a hard time <br /> connecting with benefits after serving their country; and <br /> WHEREAS, some seventy percent (70%) of veterans experiencing homelessness also experience <br /> substance use disorders, and fifty percent(50%) live with mental illnesses such as post-traumatic stress <br /> disorder (PTSD); and <br /> WHEREAS, approximately 200,000 service members transition to civilian communities annually, and <br /> an estimated twenty percent(20%)increase in service members will transition to civilian life in the near <br /> future; and <br /> WHEREAS, studies indicate that 44-72 percent of service members experience high levels of stress <br /> during transition from military to civilian life, and Active Military Service Members transitioning from <br /> military service are at a high risk for suicide during their first year after military service; and <br /> WHEREAS, military veterans continue to serve our communities in the American Legion, Veterans of <br /> Foreign Wars, religious groups, civil service, and as County Veteran Service Officers in 29 states to <br /> help fellow former service members access more than $52 billion in federal health, disability and <br /> compensation benefits each year; and <br /> WHEREAS, the National Association of Counties and the North Carolina Association of County <br /> Commissioners encourages all counties,parishes and boroughs to recognize Operation Green Light for <br /> Veterans; <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Orange County Board of Commissioners accepts the <br /> designation as a Green Light for Veterans County, and hereby declares that the period from November <br /> 6, 2023 through November 12, 2023, including Veterans Day, November 11th, shall be a time to salute <br /> and honor the service and sacrifice of our individuals in uniform transitioning from Active Service; and <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in observance of Operation Green Light, Orange County will <br /> pursue displaying green lights in the Orange County Courthouse and/or other public buildings, and <br /> encourages residents to recognize and honor those service members who have sacrificed immeasurably <br /> to preserve our freedoms by displaying a green light in a window of their place of business or residence <br /> from November 6, 2023 through November 12, 2023. <br /> This 2nd day of November, 2023. <br /> Jamezetta Bedford, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />