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6 <br /> 1 Commissioner Hamilton said her understanding is there was an issue of getting students <br /> 2 to and from meetings, so that's why one of the recommendations is to have surveys to get <br /> 3 additional students' perspectives. <br /> 4 Vice-Chair McKee added that the task force varied the times and locations of meetings to <br /> 5 try to accommodate members. <br /> 6 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if any meetings were held during the school day. <br /> 7 Commissioner Hamilton and Vice-Chair McKee said no. <br /> 8 Commissioner Hamilton said Greg Wilder and Jay Bryan were great to work with. She <br /> 9 thanked them both for their unique contributions to the task force. She said while this was a good <br /> 10 task force experience, it wasn't perfect. She said that one of the downfalls of the task force was <br /> 11 not having more student input, and the schools did what they could to get student representatives. <br /> 12 Commissioner Hamilton said there was discussion about meeting at the schools, but law <br /> 13 enforcement members of the task force were concerned about the safety of students. She said <br /> 14 she learned a lot through this experience, and it was great to have the law enforcement and school <br /> 15 safety experts. She said for the most part, the county, school districts, and law enforcement are <br /> 16 already doing what is considered best practice around school safety, but there is opportunity for <br /> 17 more clarity and to share information with the public to the extent possible. She said she supports <br /> 18 the task force recommendations, thinks they are doable, and they keep a process going to help <br /> 19 them all be better able to respond in the future. <br /> 20 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked how all stakeholders being aware of the boundaries of <br /> 21 school property will keep students safe. <br /> 22 Commissioner Hamilton said there are a lot of components to consider when establishing <br /> 23 physical boundaries of school properties and it isn't always clear. She asked John Roberts to <br /> 24 weigh in. <br /> 25 John Roberts said Commissioner Hamilton was correct--there is a question of where <br /> 26 school property ends and the public right of way adjacent to the property begins. He said a <br /> 27 member of the public may be on the sidewalk, but for a road, it isn't always clear how far into the <br /> 28 road the school's right of way extends. <br /> 29 Commissioner Hamilton said that is why the recommendation is there to figure out those <br /> 30 boundaries so that law enforcement is aware and can limit people crossing over that line. <br /> 31 Vice-Chair McKee said some of these recommendations may seem vague, but there were <br /> 32 often even more questions after receiving presentations and information from experts. He said <br /> 33 this will remain a living document and be open to interpretation, amendment, clarification, and <br /> 34 revision so that it can grow and respond with the needs at the time. Vice-Chair McKee highlighted <br /> 35 that the well-being of students was a focus throughout all the task force's discussions. <br /> 36 Commissioner Fowler said establishing the physical boundaries of schools is a critical <br /> 37 action item and asked who it has been assigned to. <br /> 38 Vice-Chair McKee said he thinks it will fall to the school district to define where the property <br /> 39 limits are. <br /> 40 Commissioner Fowler said this information could be incorporated into the schools' annual <br /> 41 safety plans. <br /> 42 Commissioner Hamilton agreed that this does need to be assigned to someone to <br /> 43 complete. To add to her response to Commissioner Portie-Ascott's early question about ensuring <br /> 44 safety, she said the laws on books don't protect emotional distress. She said law enforcement <br /> 45 can act if actions disrupt the school day or school operations. She said having an expert to explain <br /> 46 that an annual meeting is critical so that everyone understands this is a limit, but also knows there <br /> 47 is a plan in place in case that does happen. <br /> 48 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked how this information can be communicated to parents <br /> 49 and to students to show that they are doing all they can to keep them safe. <br /> 50 Commissioner Hamilton said she believes the annual meeting can result in information <br /> 51 that is disseminated to the broader community, including parents and students. She said she <br />