<br /> cardmurd and Kraft paper, glass boltic ad jars, magazines, famous and nonferrous scrap
<br /> mdabo motor al, n wspapa, office paper, swap paper,plastic bottles including milk jugs,
<br /> soda battles,steel and tin cans, telephone diramne;yaM waste,cooling pease,clean wood
<br /> waste, rubble, food waste when exclusively wmu-aryarated far cnmposthg, and other
<br /> materials as may be specified by the Board of County Commcausion.
<br /> 32. Rerychn.. the pmceas by which solid waste or recovered materals ate collect, sepaalW,
<br /> in procesaed,and issued in refund to use in chef of him materials«products.
<br /> 33. RegWaeed rapdable material The moyclable material as designed in No oMinswe as
<br /> acyclablematmal. -
<br /> 34. Regvlamd rerydable material collector. my prison who collects regulated recyclable waste.
<br /> 35. Scrap tares, a the that ono longer suitable fm its cagiul,iateoded propose because of weer,
<br /> damage,or defect.
<br /> 36. Seplags solid waste that is a fluid mixture of ano ated and partially treated sewage colida,
<br /> liquids,and sludge ofhuaaa an domestic origin which is removed fiom a septic panne system.
<br /> 37. MiarX. necdlo, syringes, scalpel blades, and Other an" objects announced in the mine
<br /> - countersuit subject to the seam limitations as medical waste
<br /> 38. Sludge any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste generated from a municipal, oom octal,
<br /> institutional or industrial wastewala easement plan, water uppfy twol m m plant, or au
<br /> pollution control facility,an any other waste having similar chmacrWstios and eH¢la.
<br /> 39. Solid waste. connotation and demohdan waste;regulated recyclable maternal; bazardmun or
<br /> nnuain duus garbage;whose or sludge Gem a waeW tram ant plant,water supply nealtarnt
<br /> plant, m air factotum conduct facdity; domestic sewage and sludges gmammed by the
<br /> raiment thereof in sanitary sewage collection, trmlmcn4 and dispeeal systems; and any
<br /> other material that is either discarded or is being acomnulshd,aimed,or Fled poor to being
<br /> discarded,or has served in manual intended use and is generally abounded.acclaiming solid,
<br /> liquid semisolid or Cannot gaseous matend resulting from industrial, na'dvadonal,
<br /> rcral,and ag Hallo it mpmmiem, said h®automaticity achvities. The term macs not
<br /> Nclwlc:
<br /> a. Fees[waste fiom fowl;and animals other than htmans.
<br /> b. Solid or dissolved material in
<br /> 1) uomesnc sewage and alodgea geuaatgl by transition: Nercof an sanuary sewage
<br /> collection,neatmad and disposal systems which we designed to discharge effluents;
<br /> to Ne nnbce waters.
<br /> 2) Irrigation return flaws.
<br /> 3) Wastewater iisehargca and use sludges incidantal to and genemted by Ime[ment
<br /> which are point ounces subject to porous granted major Sermon 402 of the Winer
<br /> Pollution Conmol Act as amended (P.L. 92-500), and pamia gmnsM undo-
<br /> NC.G.9. 5 143-215.1 by Also Envvonmenlal Management Cmmnbaion. Howevef,
<br /> my sludges that meet the rnraia fm hamrdom wants under RC shall also be
<br /> considered!asolid waste for the purposes of this Article.
<br /> u Cili and other liquid hydmcirbaa controlled under Article 21A of Cbapter 143 of th
<br /> General Smmtes. However, soy oils m other liquid hydrecarbans that meet the miens
<br /> t haz unicas wsste under RCRA shall also be a solid waste for the pulp ores of this
<br /> Article.
<br /> d. Any souse, poised nuclear or byproduct material u defined by the Atomic Energy Act
<br /> of 1954,as aneaded(42 030. 9 2011).
<br /> e. Mining refuse cevrred by the North Carolina Mining act,N.C.G.S. ¢ 1446 through"14-
<br /> 68 and regulated by the North(Amlina Mining Co noussion(as defined muter N Cd3.5.
<br /> 9 1433-290). However,any specific mining waste That meets the colcom fm hzzmdma
<br /> waste tmda RCRA shall also be a solid waste for the papmea oflbis Article.
<br /> f Recovered material.
<br />