<br /> glass,clay,and cmanepro luam;laztile mnufuctining;o-ayspmvdon e4uipmence and wane,
<br /> needed. The lam does not inaluds mining random he gas waste.
<br /> 15. Inert Delete solid waste which cawing solely of material Wt is vimWly seat or that is
<br /> likely to retain its physical and chemical structure under expected conditiooe of disposal,
<br /> including but nn handed to brick block,rock,asphalt,and son.
<br /> 16. Lam1flll a disposal Lobby he part of a disposal facility where uaae is placed in or on land,
<br /> al that is not a land warrant Gcility, a surface beguilement, an injection well, a
<br /> hazandous waz¢longmm storage acillty,or a surface storage facility.
<br /> 17.Medicd wiled my solid wale which is generated in the diagrams, trusteet. an
<br /> immummaroar ofhwnan bodies or mels,inresearch pertaining broader,m in the production
<br /> or leading of biologicals, but do>stnot debate my hazardous waste identified or listed
<br /> proceeds to Chapter 130A, Article 9, of 0e North Carchad General Statues, inebriates
<br /> es
<br /> base, bgwehold water as disposed In 40 C.F.A. 9 261.4(b)(1) in effect an 1 July 1989, or
<br /> [tons,subsidies excludes Gam the deGrtitiw of solid women in this Charter,
<br /> 18. MunimjaY soda mandw any achd waste resultioe Gam the direction of residential,
<br /> commercial,industrial,prvamnental. or umbNHOVil establishments that world normally be
<br /> collected, prauvaecd, and disposed of through a public or private solid waste program
<br /> management semce. Montreal acted waxen includes cansmmtion and demolitim base and
<br /> mat debris. Municipal solid waste does net include hazadous waste, slusi industrial
<br /> waste mmagal in a solid wasteawwganwt facility owned wd opan ed by the generator of
<br /> the industrial were for dislodgment Of that waste, or solid wesae Gum miring he agricultural
<br /> operations.
<br /> 19. Non re shales wad wilsa trees cleared Gam Ind for any purpose other than sale acs a
<br /> mmodity or chipping for use on site or for sale.
<br /> 20. open bumi The combustion of solid wale d ameans ofdiryosalofthot waste.
<br /> 21. open dums a solid were disposal site bat tides not have the permit or permits requital by
<br /> law or which does not agency with ben ales an forcb in this orainnce
<br /> 22. Pallet. A portable,wooden platform fm handling,sluing, an moving microns s and packages
<br /> decd in wonshaaws,factories, oil and wholesale sales locations and vehicles.
<br /> 23. Prison aperson,group ofpersma,Gam,c end ady,cmpmanmt,concept on,pvmerWp,wit
<br /> of local goveement,state agency,fedasl agency,or other legal table,
<br /> 24. Process my technique denwed to change We physical,chemical,an biological foundation
<br /> or cmrpwitign of any solid waste so as to treats it safe for transition dm nabl<a reanvery,
<br /> storage,mrecychng safe for deponn or re turad in volume or conamhatiw.
<br /> 25. P jest.a plannedddmalring ofcomparisons.repudiating,deconeWCbm and derawlitim.
<br /> 26. Puneselbla solid waste capable of being decomposed by mrmvhegmiama with sufficient
<br /> rapidity or to cause nimencee from aches,games or liquids,such as kitcltm wases,offal and
<br /> 22. Ram'madveword seasonal solid wwe containing mym edial,whets solid,listed.he gas,
<br /> best snits housing indoor sp0mmnewsly.
<br /> 29. RCRA. Reassociate Cmsaratiw wd Recovery Act of 1976,Pub.L.94-580,90 Stat-2'195,
<br /> 421J.S. $6901 n seq.a amended.
<br /> 29. Rentwe d marmod a r reriel eat has he soli recycling drprn fib s,can be&grans In Candd,
<br /> al has been divertede randyalGoconse tra d mesteam fa sale,ad, N.C.Q. In mda
<br /> to 9wISy as anwvered material,a material rand meet the aquuemwts gfN.C.G.S. § 130-
<br /> . 309A5(<).
<br /> 30, Recyclable a and and candidate a rely board alum wood wile and metals (all aan
<br /> closed demos and make) resulting gongs, ham dowosed. demodeling, repev, n
<br /> demolitionomaters 1. wpavement, wet buildings,bother s" peddles,31. recyclable material. Tan elm "weldable bl< tads,she inlndd, but 1s sot located td
<br /> recYClable cwatructim and demolitm mateaiala, aluminum, okivk boxes, daugaed
<br /> 9
<br />