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2 <br /> Other key components of the plan include a robust community/stakeholder engagement process <br /> that has helped shape specific climate action strategies. The plan also includes methodology for <br /> implementation, evaluation and updating. In addition, Bluestrike has prepared a comprehensive <br /> funding plan linked to climate action plan strategies, and designed a climate action plan <br /> dashboard that will display progress related to the plan's implementation on the County's website. <br /> The draft Climate Action Plan was presented to the Board of County Commissioners at the <br /> September 5, 2023 Business meeting. Comments were received from Board members and <br /> incorporated into the final Climate Action Plan. <br /> The draft Climate Action Plan was also presented at a community symposium event in early <br /> September and a month-long public comment period was established to receive feedback <br /> through an on-line forum. Based on community feedback received, adjustments were made to <br /> several action items in the draft Climate Action Plan that was presented to the Board on <br /> September 5, 2023. Some key updates include: <br /> • Added the newly announced American Climate Corps program in the CAP as a way to <br /> involve more youth directly with CAP actions; <br /> • Moved up the study date for curbside composting due to strong community support. This <br /> action was seen as a "gateway" action that can drive community interest and <br /> understanding in climate action; <br /> • Included several new actions prioritizing conservation of green spaces, preventing urban <br /> sprawl, and promoting sustainable land use; <br /> • Added action to develop a mechanism for the community to donate to the Community <br /> Climate Action Grant Program to expand capacity to fund community climate action <br /> projects; <br /> • Added action to promote safety and purposeful connection of existing and future bike <br /> trails and bike lanes that promote sustainable travel and connectivity. <br /> The Commission for the Environment also reviewed the draft CAP and provided extensive <br /> feedback to improve actions, graphs, and made refinements to wording which has been <br /> incorporated into the final CAP. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no specific financial impact associated with approval of this item. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goals are applicable <br /> to this item: <br /> • GOAL: ENSURE ECONOMIC SELF-SUFFICIENCY <br /> The creation and preservation of infrastructure, policies, programs and funding necessary <br /> for residents to provide shelter, food, clothing and medical care for themselves and their <br /> dependents. <br /> Local investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy in Orange County provides direct <br /> reduction of monthly energy bills and supports jobs and investments in clean energy <br /> technologies. <br /> • GOAL: ESTABLISH SUSTAINABLE AND EQUITABLE LAND-USE AND <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES <br /> The fair treatment and meaningful involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes and <br />