Orange County NC Website
SUMMARY <br /> PURPOSE The project team analyzed the long term GHG emissions reduction potential <br /> CONTINUED of strategies 5- 10 (foundational six) and adjusted the percentages (i.e. 50% <br /> reduction in GHG emissions by 2030) to ensure that the County could reach <br /> net zero by 2050 if they achieve these six targets. The subsequent coding in <br /> parenthesis refers to the goals and strategies identified which will help the <br /> County reach these targets. The County will consider carbon sequestration if <br /> any residual emissions remain in 2050. Please refer to Figure A. <br /> The methodology demonstrates the amount of GHG produced annually if <br /> business is continued as usual and then adjusts for expected changes from <br /> other entities. Note that GHG emissions will decrease over time because of <br /> utility commitments and expected state level regulation, but not at a fast <br /> enough rate to reach net-zero by 2050, which is required to keep global <br /> warming to 1.5 C and prevent the worst effects of a warming planet. Our <br /> methodology included running the County's 2019 GHG emissions inventory <br /> through the Local Governments for Sustainability's model, ICLEI ClearPath, <br /> and then forecast those emissions out to 2050 using escalation factors for <br /> projected population growth, national transportation emission requirements, <br /> and the utility commitments towards net zero carbon emissions. The ICLEI <br /> Clearpath model bases the emission reductions on the unique usage data <br /> and emission factors specific to Orange County.The model has the capability <br /> of running different emission reduction scenarios based on the percentage <br /> of expected emissions reduced. <br /> 14 2023 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />