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7 <br /> 1 believes the whole community is needed in this conversation because it is too big for the schools <br /> 2 to take on alone. She said she views the county commissioners as the conveners to bring <br /> 3 everyone together. <br /> 4 Commissioner Greene asked if this information will be shared with the Capital Needs Work <br /> 5 Group. <br /> 6 Commissioner Hamilton said the capital needs are beyond safety, but she agrees safety <br /> 7 will inform some of the decisions about capital needs. <br /> 8 Vice-Chair McKee said the task force's recommendations should serve as a guide. <br /> 9 Regarding the connection between safety and capital needs, Vice-Chair McKee said thinking <br /> 10 about access points at schools and other safety issues needs to be part of every conversation <br /> 11 regarding future schools and renovating existing schools. He said common definitions are also <br /> 12 needed to keep stakeholders on the same page when having these conversations. <br /> 13 Commissioner Richards said she thinks there are specifics in the recommendations that <br /> 14 should be seen through. She said she hopes there is some commitment on the part of the schools <br /> 15 to act relative to this. She said many of the recommendations center around clarity, <br /> 16 communicating, and educating on an ongoing basis, and now the Board and stakeholders should <br /> 17 move toward implementing and working toward the recommendations. <br /> 18 Vice-Chair McKee said he thinks this should come up every joint meeting with the school <br /> 19 boards and wants follow up from the schools. <br /> 20 Chair Bedford said the school systems have long been working on making schools safer <br /> 21 and continue to do so. She said the Board should partner with the schools. <br /> 22 Commissioner Hamilton said there is a role for the county commissioners to convene <br /> 23 stakeholders and communicate beyond the school community to convey what schools are facing. <br /> 24 She said School Collaboration Meetings are an opportunity for decisions on how to move forward <br /> 25 with implementation. She said she is happy to serve on a committee for the annual meeting and <br /> 26 rotate with others. <br /> 27 Chair Bedford said she will raise that issue at the November 911 School Collaboration <br /> 28 Meeting. <br /> 29 Commissioner Hamilton highlighted the importance of making sure meetings work with <br /> 30 the school calendar. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 5. Public Hearings <br /> 33 a. 5311 Rural Area Formula Grant and Combined Capital Program (5311/5339) Grant for FY <br /> 34 2024 <br /> 35 The Board held a public hearing on the 5311 Administrative grant application and the Combined <br /> 36 Capital grant application for FY 2024 and approved the Local Share Certification (Attachment 1). <br /> 37 <br /> 38 BACKGROUND: Each year, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) <br /> 39 Integrated Mobility Division (IMD) accepts requests for capital, operations, and administrative <br /> 40 needs for county-operated transit programs. Orange County Transportation Services (OCTS) is <br /> 41 eligible to make application for both capital and administrative funding and seeks a total of <br /> 42 $1,796,947 in transit grant funding. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Detailed breakdown is outlined in the table below: <br /> 45 <br />