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=47 <br /> During 2022,the UNRBA moved into the discussion of concepts and principles for a revised strategy. <br /> This critical process began before the modeling was finalized. Discussions of the work completed by <br /> the UNRBA and the Collaboratory have occurred over the last several years and inform these <br /> recommendations. The lessons learned from the development and implementation of the IAIA have <br /> also established some clear guidelines for achieving effective management of the lake and <br /> watershed. <br /> Falls Lake is the most thoroughly studied reservoir in NC and among the most studied in the country. <br /> As summarized above, the 2014 to 2018 UNRBA monitoring program provided fundamental data <br /> and information that was previously not available at this level of detail. The 2019 comprehensive <br /> report along with the preliminary results of the Collaboratory research provides an informed picture <br /> of the system. The modeling provides further clarification of the system as well as tools to test <br /> scenarios and management actions and their impacts on lake water quality. <br /> This document frames the concepts and considerations that have been identified by the UNRBA <br /> members and watershed stakeholders as they reference the scientific findings and modeling results. <br /> The UNRBA expects to submit these recommendations for the revised strategy to DWR and the EMC <br /> by December 2023. <br /> Recommendations for a Comprehensive Approach to Nutrient <br /> Management <br /> The UNRBA has been working with other watershed stakeholders to study the Falls Lake watershed <br /> since 2011. This work is intended to support the reexamination of Phase II of the Falls Lake Rules. <br /> These efforts have led internal and external stakeholders to propose that the revised nutrient <br /> management strategy incorporate the fundamental principles of IAIA including using an investment- <br /> based,joint-compliance framework on the implementation of projects and activities beneficial to <br /> water quality across the watershed. <br /> The IAIA includes a broad range of eligible projects and activities approved by DWR for compliance <br /> with Stage I Existing Development Rules. The UNRBA members and stakeholders have discussed <br /> many types of additional projects and activities related to nutrient reduction opportunities for <br /> inclusion in the revised nutrient management strategy that would apply to specific types of land, <br /> discharges, etc. As with the IAIA, the UNRBA recommends including a provision for expanding the list <br /> of eligible activities in the revised strategy. Potential expanded activities are organized by topic in <br /> this section. However, many of the opportunities and potential partners overlap, and the organization <br /> of this document attempted to account for this overlap. Additional projects and activities may be <br /> added as the revised nutrient management strategy is implemented. <br /> Because of the holistic nature of the recommendations, the UNRBA also recommends that its <br /> implementation for non-point sources be considered by the State as addressing all waterbodies in <br /> the watershed that are currently listed, or may be in the future, on the State's 303(d) list of waters <br /> for pollutants related to nutrients. These other waters may be considered Category 5 waters in <br /> future Integrated Reports if additional point source controls are required. Separate, State-required <br /> nutrient management requirements should not be applied to managed lands in separate areas of <br /> the watershed (draining to an upstream watershed impoundment, arms of Falls Lake, etc.). <br /> However, water quality in all areas of the watershed should be tracked, particularly sub-watersheds <br /> with water-supply impoundments. The adaptive management provisions of the revised rules should <br /> address changing conditions in these waterbodies and allow for revisions to the program to address <br /> concerns as they arise. <br /> 28 <br />