Orange County NC Website
Organization <br />W ebsite <br /> <br />Authorizing Official's <br />Name <br />Karen Kalafatas <br />Authorizing Official's <br />Title <br />Executive Director <br />Authorizing Official's <br />Phone <br />617-922-3839 <br />Authorizing Official's <br />Email <br /> <br />Applicant Race W hite <br />Financial Overview <br />FinancialOv erv iew_Submittable.xlsx <br />Organizational Financial Statements <br />2021_Tax_Return-_Your_Copy.pdf <br />SKJAJA_Budget_FY23.pdf <br />SKJAJA_Budget_FY24_DRAFT_-_for_Board_Vote.pdf <br />Deficit/Surplus In FY20, SKJAJA was grateful to benefit from an angel donor who made a <br />significant contribution to capacity building for the organization. The funds <br />were leveraged to hire SKJAJA’s first professional Executive Director in <br />fall 2021. The deficit shown on the FY23 budget reflects the intentional <br />spending against this investment – using Board-approved, moderate <br />drawdown from reserves – as we continue to grow the organization. Based <br />on last year’s revenue growth of 40% over previous years and FY23’s <br />projected similar growth rate, we anticipate the deficit to stabilize by FY24 <br />with remaining reserves of ~$50,000. <br />Are you an entity of <br />UNC-Chapel Hill or <br />another unit of state <br />government? <br />No <br />PROJECT/PROGRAM <br />INFORMATION <br />Tell us about your project or program <br />Title of Grant <br />Request <br />In-School Arts Field Trips <br />Grant Amount <br />Requested <br />$3,000 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 1EE72BC9-3696-4D96-BE50-AC3605C16998