Orange County NC Website
Audience Description The audience for the face jugs will be approximately 91 fourth grade <br />students who represent a wide range of ethnic and socioeconomic <br />backgrounds. Below is our estimated breakdown of audience numbers and <br />demographics (based on the rising 4th grade class): <br />Female - 44 (48.35%) <br />Male - 47 (51.65%) <br />African-American - 10 (10.99%) <br />Asian/Asian American - 5 (5.49%) <br />Caucasian - 52 (57.14%) <br />Hispanic/ Latino - 18 (19.78%) <br />Other (Multiracial) - 6 (6.59%) <br />The audience for the poetry workshop will be made up of approximately 80 <br />fifth grade students who represent the following demographics (based on <br />the rising 5th grade class): <br />Female - 41 (51.25%) <br />Male - 39 (48.75%) <br />African-American - 13 (16.25%) <br />Asian/Asian American - 2 (2.5%) <br />Caucasian - 50 (62.5%) <br />Hispanic/ Latino - 10 (12.5%) <br />Other (Multiracial) - 5 (6.25%) <br />The audience for the Number Drummer performance will be the entire <br />school, which currently has a population of 518, 35% who receive free or <br />reduced lunch. Based on the 2022-2023 school year, the demographics <br />are as follows: <br />Male - 268 (51.7%) <br />Female - 250 (48.3%) <br />American Indian or Native Alaskan - 1 (0.2%) <br />Asian - 25 (4.8%) <br />Black or African American - 82 (15.8%) <br />W hite - 284 (54.8%) <br />Hispanic/Latino - 88 (17%) <br />Multi-Racial - 38 (7.3%) <br />Location Description The face jugs project will take place in the art class of MES. The poetry <br />residency will take place in the 5th grade classrooms. The Number <br />Drummer performances will take place in the school gym. As the students <br />will be in a familiar setting, they will already have all required <br />accommodations (based on their specific IEPs and 504s) in place at the <br />time of each event. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0D7BF09D-6A98-46CC-9BF1-DD2736A194D2