Orange County NC Website
Project Goals The goal of the PTA Cultural Arts Program at MES is to expose our <br />students to a wide range of artistic expression throughout their elementary <br />school years. MES students benefit from the shared experience of a <br />diverse cultural arts program. W e know that many MES students have very <br />few opportunities to participate in cultural arts programs outside of school <br />due to socioeconomic realities and other family considerations. The <br />pandemic also limited in-person access to cultural arts experiences. The <br />PTA Cultural Arts Program provides a common context for students to <br />understand and celebrate each other’s differences, expand their knowledge <br />about the world, and make meaningful connections between the arts and <br />the lessons they are learning in the classroom. <br />1) W ith the fourth grade face jugs project, our students will create beautiful <br />and practical art while at the same time connecting to what life might have <br />been like for slaves. <br />2) Mr. Shabazz's poetry program is as an integral part of our fifth graders’ <br />curriculum. His work responds to the needs of all MES 5th-grade students. <br />It provides a strong multidisciplinary linkage to the school’s curriculum (arts <br />education, language arts, social studies and positive behavior) as well as <br />ongoing discussions of race, ethnicity, and culture both inside the <br />classroom and in communities outside of school. <br />3) Our Number Drummer programming goals are to instill an appreciation <br />for and interest in performance arts, specifically music, and to demonstrate <br />how math and the arts are ever present and connected in the world around <br />us. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0D7BF09D-6A98-46CC-9BF1-DD2736A194D2