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Exhibit “D” <br />All furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies must comply with all applicable regulations. Information <br />about applicable regulations currently in effect can be found at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s website, <br /> <br />NOTICE TO FURNISHERS OF INFORMATION: <br />OBLIGATIONS OF FURNISHERS UNDER THE FCRA <br />The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. § 1681-1681y, imposes responsibilities on all persons who furnish <br />information to consumer reporting agencies (CRAs). These responsibilities are found in Section 623 of the FCRA, 15 U.S.C. § <br />1681s-2. State law may impose additional requirements on furnishers. All furnishers of information to CRAs should become <br />familiar with the applicable laws and may want to consult with their counsel to ensure that they are in compliance. The text of <br />the FCRA is available at the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): <br /> A list of the sections of the FCRA cross-referenced to the U.S. Code is at the end of this <br />document. Section 623 imposes the following duties upon furnishers: <br />Accuracy Guidelines <br />The FCRA requires furnishers to comply with federal guidelines and regulations dealing with the accuracy of information <br />provided to CRAs by furnishers. Federal regulations and guidelines are available at <br />Section 623(e). <br />General Prohibition on Reporting Inaccurate Information <br />The FCRA prohibits information furnishers from providing information to a CRA that they know or have reasonable cause to <br />believe is inaccurate. However, the furnisher is not subject to this general prohibition if it clearly and conspicuously specifies an <br />address to which consumers may write to notify the furnisher that certain information is inaccurate. Sections 623(a) (1) (A) and <br />(a) (1) (C). <br />Duty to Correct and Update Information <br />If at any time a person who regularly and in the ordinary course of business furnishes information to one or more CRAs <br />determines that the information provided is not complete or accurate, the furnisher must promptly provide complete and <br />accurate information to the CRA. In addition, the furnisher must notify all CRAs that received the information of any corrections, <br />and must thereafter report only the complete and accurate information. Section 623(a) (2). <br />Duties After Notice of Dispute from Consumer <br />If a consumer notifies a furnisher, at an address specified by the furnisher for such notices, that specific information is <br />inaccurate, and the information is, in fact, inaccurate, the furnisher must thereafter report the correct information to CRAs. <br />Section 623(a) (1) (B). <br />If a consumer notifies a furnisher that the consumer disputes the completeness or accuracy of any information reported by the <br />furnisher, the furnisher may not subsequently report that information to a CRA without providing notice of the dispute. Section <br />623(a) (3). <br />Furnishers must comply with federal regulations that identify when an information furnisher must investigate a dispute made <br />directly to the furnisher by a consumer. Under these regulations, furnishers must complete an investigation within 30 days (or 45 <br />days, if the consumer later provides relevant additional information) unless the dispute is frivolous or irrelevant or comes from a <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: ED55B3D5-BAD0-45B4-977B-F09C4091C16A