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Make a clear and conspicuous written disclosure to the consumer before the report is obtained, in a document that <br />consists solely of the disclosure, that a consumer report may be obtained. <br />• Obtain from the consumer prior written authorization. Authorization to access reports during the term of employment <br />may be obtained at the time of employment. <br />• Certify to the CRA that the above steps have been followed, that the information being obtained will not be used in <br />violation of any federal or state equal opportunity law or regulation, and that, if any adverse action is to be taken based <br />on the consumer report, a copy of the report and a summary of the consumer ’s rights will be provided to the consumer. <br />• Before taking an adverse action, the user must provide a copy of the report to the consumer as well as the summary of <br />consumer ’s rights (The user should receive this summary from the CRA.) A Section 615(a) adverse action notice should <br />be sent after the adverse action is taken. <br />• The user must disclose to the consumer that an investigative consumer report may be obtained. This must be done in a <br />written disclosure that is mailed, or otherwise delivered, to the consumer at some time before or not later than three <br />days after the date on which the report was first requested. The disclosure must include a statement informing the <br />consumer of his or her right to request additional disclosures of the nature and scope of the investigation as described <br />below, and the summary of consumer rights required by Section 609 of the FCRA. (The summary of consumer rights <br />will be provided by the CRA that conducts the investigation.) <br />• The user must certify to the CRA that the disclosures set forth above have been made and that the user will make the <br />disclosure described below. <br />• Upon the written request of a consumer made within a reasonable period of time after the disclosures required above, <br />the user must make a complete disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation. <br />In addition, creditors and insurers may obtain certain consumer report information for the purpose of making “prescreened” <br />unsolicited offers of credit or insurance. Section 604(c). The particular obligations of users of “prescreened” information are <br />described in Section VII below. <br />B. Users Must Provide Certifications <br />Section 604(f) prohibits any person from obtaining a consumer report from a consumer reporting agency (CRA) unless the <br />person has certified to the CRA the permissible purpose(s) for which the report is being obtained and certifies that the report will <br />not be used for any other purpose. <br />C. Users Must Notify Consumers When Adverse Actions Are Taken <br />The term “adverse action” is defined very broadly by Section 603. “Adverse actions” include all business, credit, and <br />employment actions affecting consumers that can be considered to have a negative impact as defined by Section 603(k) of the <br />FCRA – such as denying or canceling credit or insurance, or denying employment or promotion. No adverse action occurs in a <br />credit transaction where the creditor makes a counteroffer that is accepted by the consumer. <br />1. Adverse Actions Based on Information Obtained From a CRA <br />If a user takes any type of adverse action as defined by the FCRA that is based at least in part on information contained in a <br />consumer report, Section 615(a) requires the user to notify the consumer. The notification may be done in writing, orally, or by <br />electronic means. It must include the following: <br />2. Adverse Actions Based on Information Obtained From Third Parties Who Are Not Consumer <br />Reporting Agencies <br />If a person denies (or increases the charge for) credit for personal, family, or household purposes based either wholly or partly <br />upon information from a person other than a CRA, and the information is the type of consumer information covered by the <br />FCRA, Section 615(b) (1) requires that the user clearly and accurately disclose to the consumer his or her right to be told the <br />nature of the information that was relied upon if the consumer makes a written request within 60 days of notification. The user <br />must provide the disclosure within a reasonable period of time following the consumer’s written request. <br />3. Adverse Actions Based on Information Obtained From Affiliates <br />If a person takes an adverse action involving insurance, employment, or a credit transaction initiated by the consumer, based on <br />information of the type covered by the FCRA, and this information was obtained from an entity affiliated with the user of the <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: ED55B3D5-BAD0-45B4-977B-F09C4091C16A