2023-564-E-Housing Dept-ONLINE Information Services-Employment Verification service
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2023-564-E-Housing Dept-ONLINE Information Services-Employment Verification service
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Last modified
10/24/2023 2:18:33 PM
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10/24/2023 2:17:26 PM
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Exhibit “B” <br />All users of consumer reports must comply with all applicable regulations. Information about <br />applicable regulations currently in effect can be found at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s <br />website, <br />NOTICE TO USERS OF CONSUMER REPORTS: <br />OBLIGATIONS OF USERS UNDER THE FCRA <br />The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. 1681-1681y, requires that this notice be provided to inform users of consumer <br />reports of their legal obligations. State law may impose additional requirements. The text of the FCRA is set forth in full at the <br />Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) website at <br />At the end of this document is a list of United States Code citations for the FCRA. Other information about user duties is also <br />available at the CFPB’s website. Users must consult the relevant provisions of the FCRA for details about their <br />obligations under the FCRA. The first section of this summary sets forth the responsibilities imposed by the FCRA on all users <br />of consumer reports. The subsequent sections discuss the duties of users of reports that contain specific types of information, or <br />that are used for certain purposes, and the legal consequences of violations. If you are a furnisher of information to a consumer <br />reporting agency (CRA), you have additional obligations and will receive a separate notice from the CRA describing your duties <br />as a furnisher. <br />• OBLIGATIONS OF ALL USERS OF CONSUMER REPORTS <br />A. Users Must Have a Permissible Purpose <br />Congress has limited the use of consumer reports to protect consumers’ privacy. All users must have a permissible purpose <br />under the FCRA to obtain a consumer report. Section 604 contains a list of the permissible purposes under the law. These are: <br />• As ordered by a court or a federal grand jury subpoena. Section 604(a)(1) <br />• As instructed by the consumer in writing. Section 604(a)(2) <br />• For the extension of credit as a result of an application from a consumer, or the review or collection of a consumer’s <br />account. Section 604(a)(3)(A) <br />• For employment purposes, including hiring and promotion decisions, where the consumer has given written permission. <br />Sections 604(a)(3)(B) and 604(b) <br />• For the underwriting of insurance as a result of an application from a consumer. Section 604(a)(3)(C) <br />• When there is a legitimate business need, in connection with a business transaction that is initiated by the consumer. <br />Section 604(a)(3)(F)(i) <br />• To review a consumer ’s account to determine whether the consumer continues to meet the terms of the account. <br />Section 604(a)(3)(F)(ii) <br />• To determine a consumer’s eligibility for a license or other benefit granted by a governmental instrumentality required <br />by law to consider an applicant’s financial responsibility or status. Section 604(a)(3)(D) <br />• For use by a potential investor or servicer, or current insurer, in a valuation or assessment of the credit or prepayment <br />risks associated with an existing credit obligation. Section 604(a)(3)(E) <br />• For use by state and local officials in connection with the determination of child support payments, or modifications and <br />enforcement thereof. Sections 604(a)(4) and 604(a)(5) <br />• The name, address, and telephone number of the CRA (including a toll-free telephone number, if it is a nationwide <br />CRA) that provided the report. <br />• A statement that the CRA did not make the adverse decision and is not able to explain why the decision was made. <br />• A statement setting forth the consumer’s right to obtain a free disclosure of the consumer’s file from the CRA if the <br />consumer makes a request within 60 days. <br />• A statement setting forth the consumer’s right to dispute directly with the CRA the accuracy or completeness of any <br />information provided by the CRA. <br />• <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: ED55B3D5-BAD0-45B4-977B-F09C4091C16A
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