Orange County NC Website
I. Subscriber understands that Data Providers/FICO warrants that the FICO/Vantage Scoring Model are empirically derived and <br />demonstrably and statistically sound and that to the extent the populations to which the FICO/Vantage Scoring Models are <br />applied is similar to the population sample on which the FICO/Vantage Scoring Models were developed, the FICO/Vantage <br />score may be relied upon by Subscriber to rank consumers in the order of the risk of unsatisfactory payment such consumers <br />might present to Subscribers. FICO/Vantage further warrant that so long as FICO/Vantage provide the FICO/Vantage Model it <br />will comply with regulations promulgated from time to time pursuant to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 15 USC Section 1691 <br />et seq. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE THE ONLY WARRANTIES DATA PROVIDERS, FICO, OR VANTAGE HAVE <br />GIVEN SUBSCRIBER WITH RESPECT TO FICO/VANTAGE SCORING MODELS AND SUCH WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF <br />ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, DATA PROVIDERS, FICO, OR VANTAGE MIGHT HAVE GIVEN <br />SUBSCRIBER WITH RESPECT THERETO, INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND <br />FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Subscriber’s rights under the foregoing Warranty are expressly conditioned upon <br />each respective Subscriber ’s periodic revalidation of the FICO/Vantage Scoring Model in compliance with the requirement of <br />Regulation B as it may be amended from time to time (12 CFR Section 202 et seq.). <br />J.Subscriber agrees that the aggregate liability of the Data Providers/FICO to the Subscriber is equal to the lesser of the Fees <br />paid by ONLINE to the Data Providers/FICO for the FICO/Vantage Scoring Models resold to the pertinent Subscriber during the <br />six (6) month period immediately preceding the Subscriber ’s claim, or the fees paid by the pertinent Subscriber to ONLINE <br />under the Agreement during said six (6) month period and excluding any liability of the Data Providers/FICO for incidental, <br />indirect, special or consequential damages of any kind. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: ED55B3D5-BAD0-45B4-977B-F09C4091C16A