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Exhibit “A” <br />Credit Scoring Services <br />Subscriber is a credit grantor that purchases Consumer Reports from ONLINE pursuant to the Agreement in connection with <br />credit transactions involving the consumer subjects of such Consumer Reports.As an enhancement to the basic Consumer <br />Report, ONLINE has offered Subscriber the opportunity to purchase one or more credit risk scores provided by Trans Union, <br />Equifax, or Experian; including, but not limited to, Fair Isaac & Co. (FICO) and Vantage score models. Use of these scoring <br />models may require additional addendums and be subject to additional terms of use. <br />Subscriber recognizes that all credit risk scores offered hereunder are statistical scores and may not be predictive as to any <br />particular individual.No such score is intended to characterize any individual as to credit capability.Subscriber recognizes that <br />factors other than credit risk scores should be considered in making a credit decision, including the Credit Report, the individual <br />credit application, economic factors, and various other pertinent information. A statement of the factors that significantly <br />contributed to the credit risk score may accompany the score.If so, such information may be disclosed to the consumer as the <br />reason for taking adverse action, as required by Regulation B.However, the credit risk score itself is proprietary and may not be <br />used as the reason for adverse action under Regulation B.In addition, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, credit risk scores are <br />not considered part of the consumer ’s file.Accordingly, Subscriber agrees only to disclose the actual credit risk score to the <br />consumer when required by law and accompanied by the corresponding reason codes. <br />SUBSCRIBER HAS MADE ITS OWN ANALYSIS OF THE CREDIT RISK SCORE OR SCORES SELECTED BY SUBSCRIBER, <br />INCLUDING THE RELIABILITY OF USING SUCH SCORES IN CONNECTION WITH SUBSCRIBER’S CREDIT <br />DECISION.ONLINE AND ITS AGENTS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, COSTS, DAMAGES, OR EXPENSE <br />INCURRED BY SUBSCRIBER RESULTING FROM SUBSCRIBER’S USE OF CREDIT RISK SCORES, OR THE <br />INACCURACY THEREOF.IN NO EVENT SHALL ONLINE NOR ITS AGENTS BE LIABLE TO SUBSCRIBER FOR ANY <br />INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR A CLAIM BY SUBSCRIBER RESULTING FROM <br />SUBSCRIBER’S USE OF ANY CREDIT RISK SCORE.THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF ONLINE AND ITS AGENTS <br />FOR A CLAIM BY SUBSCRIBER RELATED TO SUBSCRIBER’S USE OF ANY CREDIT RISK SCORE SHALL NOT EXCEED <br />THE SURCHARGE PAID BY SUBSCRIBER FOR THE CREDIT RISK SCORE TO WHICH SUCH CLAIM RELATES. <br />Subscriber certifies that in using the FICO/VANTAGE Credit Scoring Models that: <br />A.Subscriber will only use the permissible purpose as outlined within ONLINE’s Subscriber Service Agreement (hereinafter <br />referred to as “Agreement”) and the Application for Service in accordance with the FCRA to obtain the information derived from <br />the Fair Isaac and Company Scoring Model (hereinafter referred to as “FICO”) or the Vantage Scoring Model. <br />B.Subscriber will limit Subscriber’s use of the scores and reason codes solely to use in Subscriber ’s own business with no right <br />to transfer or otherwise sell, license, sublicense or distribute said scores or reason codes to third parties. <br />C.Subscriber will maintain internal procedures to minimize the risk of unauthorized disclosure and agree that such scores and <br />reason codes will be held in strict confidence and disclosed only to those employees with a “need to know” and to no other <br />person. <br />D. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of the Agreement, Subscriber may disclose the scores provided to Subscriber under <br />the Agreement to the consumer, when accompanied by the corresponding reason codes, in the context of bona fide lending <br />transactions and decisions only as required by law. <br />E. Subscriber will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in using the scores and reason codes purchased from <br />ONLINE. <br />F.Subscriber or any of its employees, agents or subcontractors will not use any trademarks, service marks, logos, names, or any <br />other proprietary designations, whether registered or unregistered, of the Data Providers or Fair, Isaac and Company, or their <br />affiliates without such entity’s prior written consent. <br />G.Subscriber will not in any manner, directly or indirectly attempt to discover or reverse engineer any confidential and <br />proprietary criteria developed or used by the Data Providers/Fair, Isaac in performing the FICO/Vantage Scoring Model. <br />H.Subscriber will not use any of the scores provided for their own model development or model calibration. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: ED55B3D5-BAD0-45B4-977B-F09C4091C16A