2023-564-E-Housing Dept-ONLINE Information Services-Employment Verification service
Board of County Commissioners
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2023-564-E-Housing Dept-ONLINE Information Services-Employment Verification service
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Last modified
10/24/2023 2:18:33 PM
Creation date
10/24/2023 2:17:26 PM
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M.Subscriber may elect to receive Verification of Income/Employment consumer report information as part of <br />Subscriber's tenant screening process only, and for no other purpose. This information is provided by ONLINE, <br />to Subscriber, through Equifax Verification Services, Inc. (EVS). If Subscriber elects to receive Verification of <br />Income/Employment reports Subscriber acknowledges the following: <br />i. <br />ii. <br />iii. <br />iv. <br />Any information services and data originating from EVS (the “EVS Tenant Screening Information”) will <br />be requested only for Subscriber's exclusive use and held in strict confidence except to the extent that <br />disclosure to others is required or permitted by law. Only designated representatives of Subscriber will <br />request EVS Tenant Screening Information on Subscriber’s employees, and employees will be forbidden <br />to obtain EVS Tenant Screening Information on themselves, associates or any other persons except in <br />the exercise of their official duties. Subscriber will not disclose EVS Tenant Screening Information to the <br />subject of the EVS Tenant Screening Information except as permitted or required by law, but will refer <br />the subject to EVS. <br />Subscriber will hold EVS and all its agents harmless on account of any expense or damage arising or <br />resulting from the publishing or other disclosure of EVS Tenant Screening Information by Subscriber, its <br />employees or agents contrary to the conditions of Section 1 above or applicable law. <br />Subscriber recognizes that EVS does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of EVS Tenant <br />Screening Information and Subscriber releases EVS and EVS’s agents, employees, affiliated credit <br />reporting agencies and independent contractors from any liability, including negligence, in connection <br />with the provision of EVS Tenant Screening Information and from any loss or expense suffered by <br />Subscriber resulting directly or indirectly from EVS Tenant Screening Information. Subscriber covenants <br />not to sue or maintain any claim, cause of action, demand, cross-action, counterclaim, third-party action <br />or other form of pleading against EVS, EVS's agents, employees, affiliated credit reporting agencies, or <br />independent contractors arising out of or relating in any way to the accuracy, validity, or completeness of <br />any EVS Tenant Screening Information. <br />Fair Credit Reporting Act Certification. Subscriber certifies that it will order EVS Tenant Screening <br />Information, which is a consumer report as defined by the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. <br />1681 et seq. ("FCRA"), only when Subscriber intends to use the EVS Tenant Screening Information: (a) <br />in accordance with the FCRA and all state law counterparts; and for the following permissible purpose: <br />for Tenant Screening purposes; provided, however, that Subscriber certifies that, before ordering EVS <br />Tenant Screening Information to be used in connection with Tenant Screening purposes, it will clearly <br />and conspicuously disclose to the Consumer, in a written document consisting solely of the disclosure, <br />that Subscriber may obtain EVS Tenant Screening Information for Tenant Screening purposes, and will <br />also obtain the Consumer’s written authorization to obtain or procure EVS Tenant Screening Information <br />relating to that Consumer. Subscriber further certifies that it will not take adverse action against the <br />Consumer based in whole or in part upon the EVS Tenant Screening Information without first providing <br />to the Consumer to whom the EVS Tenant Screening Information relates a copy of the EVS Tenant <br />Screening Information and a written description of the Consumer ’s rights as prescribed by the <br />Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) under Section 609(c)(3) of the FCRA as referenced on <br />Exhibit B attached hereto, and also will not use any EVS Tenant Screening Information in violation of <br />any applicable federal or state equal employment opportunity law or regulation. Subscriber will use EVS <br />Tenant Screening Information ordered under this Agreement for the foregoing purpose and for no other <br />purpose. Subscriber acknowledges that it has received from CRA a copy of the consumer rights <br />summary as prescribed by the CFPB as referenced on Exhibit B. <br />4 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: ED55B3D5-BAD0-45B4-977B-F09C4091C16A
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