2023-564-E-Housing Dept-ONLINE Information Services-Employment Verification service
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2023-564-E-Housing Dept-ONLINE Information Services-Employment Verification service
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Last modified
10/24/2023 2:18:33 PM
Creation date
10/24/2023 2:17:26 PM
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A. <br />B. <br />C. <br />D. <br />E. <br />F. <br />Subscriber agrees to pay ONLINE for all charges as outlined in SCHEDULE A “ONLINE Charges to Subscriber.” <br />Subscriber shall be responsible for a non-refundable $115.00 Subscriber Application Fee. It is understood that <br />the Subscriber application fee is a onetime charge, unless Subscriber changes office locations. <br />Bureau/Jurisdiction Surcharges and Fees. Subscriber acknowledges that Data Providers may impose additional <br />surcharges for access to files for consumers that reside in certain States or Counties. Additionally certain <br />jurisdictions charge court fees for accessing public record information. Examples of these charges include <br />California Privacy Act Surcharges, Alaska and Colorado State surcharges, and County Court fees. In the event <br />that a file/report is accessed which has such a surcharge or fee ONLINE will pass that Surcharge/Fee along to <br />the Subscriber. <br />Subscriber acknowledges that the pricing in Schedule A is based upon volume representations made by <br />Subscriber during the negotiation of this Agreement. In the event that Subscriber fails to meet these volume <br />expectations, ONLINE reserves the right to adjust its charges to accurately reflect the volume used by <br />Subscriber. <br />Subscriber agrees that ONLINE aggregates data from third party sources and from time to time the cost to <br />ONLINE to provide the Services may increase. ONLINE reserves the right to adjust Subscriber’s pricing to <br />reflect any such change with a 30 day notice to Subscriber prior to the change becoming effective. <br />Subscriber will be solely responsible for all federal, state and local taxes levied or assessed in connection with <br />ONLINE’s performance of the Services, other than income taxes assessed with respect to ONLINE’s taxable net <br />income, for which income taxes ONLINE will be solely responsible. <br />It is understood that from time to time the portfolio owned or managed by Subscriber may change. Properties <br />previously owned or managed by Subscriber maybe sold or no longer managed by Subscriber. Subscriber <br />agrees to notify ONLINE in writing of any property which is no longer part of Subscriber ’s portfolio so access to <br />ONLINE’s Services may be terminated for said property. Subscriber agrees that it is responsible for any billing <br />incurred by said Property until ONLINE has received written notification from Subscriber. <br />2 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: ED55B3D5-BAD0-45B4-977B-F09C4091C16A
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