Orange County NC Website
Audience Description Ephesus has 355 students in grades K-5. The demographics of our school <br />population are as follows: <br />• 15% of students self-identify as African American <br />• 13% of students self-identify as Latino <br />• 12% of students self-identify as Asian <br />• 8.5% of students self-identify as multiracial <br />• Approximately 51.5% of students self-identify as white <br />• 29% of the student population qualifies for free or reduced lunch <br />• 11% of students are English as a second language/English learners <br />• 16.5% of school population have an Individual Education Plan or 504 <br />accommodation <br />Location Description All Cultural Arts Performances are held in the school’s gymnasium. The <br />school gymnasium is accessible through multiple doors and has a raised <br />stage at one end and flat open floor space at the other. For each of these <br />shows, the stage can be used for the performance while the students are <br />comfortably seated and spaced on the floor. There are also risers available <br />if needed. <br />Our gym can fit up to 200 students at a time. <br />Artist Description Art Event 1: Tarish Pipkins -- a.k.a. Jeghetto -- was born in a small steel <br />mill town called Clairton, Pennsylvania. His passion is promoting "Oneness <br />through the magic of puppetry." He is a self-taught artist and has been <br />creating art from a very young age. In the late '90s, Pipkins joined the <br />BridgeSpotters Collective and became known for his Live paintings and <br />Poetry. He moved to North Carolina in 2005 where he launched his career <br />in puppetry and fine-tuned his skills doing street performances. In 2008, he <br />started working with Paperhand Puppet Intervention and has built puppets <br />and performed in several of their productions. Most recently, Jeghetto had <br />the pleasure to work with national recording artist Missy Elliott on her music <br />video, W TF (W here They From), controlling the Pharell puppet and doing <br />some puppet building. He also worked on the Amazon Echo commercial <br />featuring Missy Elliott and Alec Baldwin as puppets. Pipkins is a former <br />teacher at Just Right Academy, a private alternative school for children <br />with special needs. Pipkins is married and a proud father of five children. <br />Art Event 2: Founded in 2016, Curious Theatre Collective creates original, <br />interdisciplinary educational theater programming that inspires audiences <br />to follow their curiosity, persevere through challenges, and believe in the <br />power of their imagination. CTC was founded by four women who together <br />have decades of experience in acting, composing, directing, playwriting, <br />teaching, and arts administration. <br />Are you hiring <br />multicultural artists <br />with the requested <br />funds from this <br />grant? <br />Yes <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: CE3CD08D-DF07-4FDB-8ACB-5F50B4873DFD