Orange County NC Website
How will you <br />evaluate the success <br />of the program? <br />Success for the W eekend of Art will be determined by comparing program <br />outcomes to the goals stated above. HAC will closely track the impact of <br />programming in real-time by collecting visitation counts, soliciting feedback <br />and data from partnering venues and businesses, and requesting <br />demographic and geographic information through event & artist registration <br />processes. By analyzing data collected through the W eekend of Art, HAC <br />will understand how strategic marketing efforts helped to increase exposure <br />and impact of the HAC mission. Evidence of this will come through <br />increased sales and donations for HAC and its partners, total visitation, <br />volunteer engagement, and audience participation. <br />To evaluate the impact of Grassroots Arts Program funding, HAC will <br />compare actual artist participation and demographic data to the expected <br />rates & anticipated outcomes. HAC will be able to assess how bolstering <br />artist compensation positively impacts the quality of workshops, the <br />diversity of the entertainment, and the overall community-building <br />experience through the W eekend of Art. <br />HAC will also survey artists and attendees that participate in the W eekend <br />of Art regarding sales, overall satisfaction with experience, and other KPIs. <br />Feedback from artist surveys at the 2022 Handmade Market confirmed it <br />was well attended and that vendor sales not only met, but most often <br />exceeded, experiences at other Hillsborough markets. Performing artists <br />and the general public will also be surveyed for feedback so that this <br />program can continue to grow and transform to serve the community to the <br />best of HAC’s ability. <br />PROJECT/PROGRAM <br />BUDGET <br />Please fill out the charts below with your project's expenses and income. <br />Use the "Explanation" box to offer details for each category. NOTE: The <br />Total Cash Expense must equal the Total Cash Income. <br />Project Expense <br />Expenses-english-rev ised.xlsx <br />Project Income <br />Income-english-rev ised.xlsx <br />Resumes of artists/administrators <br />Mollie_C._Thomas_Comprehensiv e_Resume_June_2023.pdf <br />Iv a_Bev eridge_UPDATED_2023_Resume.pdf <br />Board of Directors List <br />FY22-23_Hillsborough_Arts_Council_Board_List_for_Grants.pdf <br />IRS Tax Exemption <br />IRS_501-c3_Determination_HAC.pdf <br />W ork Samples <br />Folklorico_Dance_Group_Aug_22_Performance.jpg <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E9ED2E06-04DF-47DA-BF1A-31359EF7B971