Orange County NC Website
to enhance the lives of residents in the Triangle by offering accessible, <br />meaningful, and diverse connections with art for all demographics. W ith <br />more than 40 volunteers donating thousands of hours annually, HAC is a <br />community of artists, staff, board members, and friends working to ensure <br />the creative future of Hillsborough and Orange County, North Carolina. <br />HAC's Board of Directors is composed of local leaders with varying <br />backgrounds, including business, marketing, and nonprofit professionals; <br />artists, writers, educators, and musicians; retired adults and young <br />professionals. HAC's staff currently includes a full-time Executive Director, <br />a full-time Program & Marketing Director, a full-time Gallery and Volunteer <br />Manager, and a part-time Bookkeeper. Each staff member is uniquely <br />qualified to fulfill best practices in arts administration and operates in <br />collaboration with board members and lead volunteers to ensure proper <br />allocation of resources for each program. <br />Annually, HAC serves over 20,000 visitors through public programs and <br />special events, and over 12,000 visitors through the G&GS. <br />Geographically, 25% of visitors to HAC's G&GS and flagship programs are <br />from Hillsborough, with 75% of visitors are recorded from other towns in <br />North Carolina, other US States, and other Countries. Of the 75% of <br />visitors from outside of Hillsborough, 40% are from other towns in Orange <br />County. Thus, HAC plays a significant role in providing arts programming <br />for both tourists and Orange County residents at large. <br />More robust demographic data has been successfully collected through <br />events with tickets or registration forms, and HAC staff are tracking <br />information to better understand and report about the race, ethnicity, age, <br />and gender composition of those HAC serves. Preliminary analysis <br />suggests that the majority of the participants served through arts programs <br />in Hillsborough identify as being white, with growing representation from <br />participants who identify as BIPOC. W hile collecting and analyzing <br />demographic data is a relatively new process for HAC, the organization’s <br />approach to data management reflects current trends in DEIA and aims to <br />determine which audiences and communities should become a focus area <br />for future relationship building. <br />Through performance contracts and G&GS commissions, HAC has <br />provided over $85,000 in income to local artists this fiscal year. Demand <br />for HAC's services and support is constant and rapidly growing in tandem <br />with the growth of the town and Triangle area. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: E9ED2E06-04DF-47DA-BF1A-31359EF7B971