Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> Slide #11 <br /> Q1. Most critical roles for the County government in the next 10 to 24 years <br /> by pomema fa of—ponderns who selected the items as are of their tap three chwces <br /> aeating aFFord4he housir>s options 3" <br /> Making sure that n eceszary heahh&hurnan <br /> 3576 <br /> se rvirn are areieblr <br /> Pr.senring open parks 151% <br /> I <br /> Increasingfunding for N-12 schools 31% <br /> Meirywinir4hip a�e�Lr emcr�ener ien:ctia i N% <br /> Gexlop trensportat ion alternatives tea sine 21% <br /> pasienfier wits <br /> E <br /> IrnprawaerrviranmertafaLuallsWfM � x7lfii <br /> Respondeng&«4pvng ro ciryn dyne. <br /> Communiastion&engagemenr with the pubf .iA% <br /> hleintaining quefty leadership ■ 14'X I E <br /> Reducing leed infeturiLy 22% <br /> Imprrning bAmbraP health seralces 10% _ <br /> fmprovingeahychildhoodeducation 9B6 <br /> Di. rting indiuidunls from the nLninel . <br /> fuctice sgrsten <br /> 0% 20% 20% W% 40% <br /> t�ioa choice 7ndchrsic. �3rdchoice <br /> as <br /> Affordable housing, schools, i hea Ith and hurna n services a re a major theme of the f indings <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked how the percentages were calculated for slide #11. <br /> Ryan Murray said the dark green shows the majority and that 95%of respondents selected <br /> it as their top choice. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked how many said it was their second choice. <br /> Ryan Murray said it is about 33% and that should be out of 600. He said if they look at the <br /> sum, it is 36% of the whole sample. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton said it is 36% of the sample, and then the top is in the 90s. She <br /> said it would be helpful to know the numbers of who is answering in the whole sample. <br /> Ryan Murray said that the data is included in the report. <br /> Chair Bedford asked that the full report be available for the Board at their upcoming <br /> strategic plan work session. <br /> Ryan Murray said these responses should be taken with a grain of salt because they have <br /> been given a perception question. He said that being that it is 36%, it is not a significant amount. <br /> He said that is only 1 of 3. <br /> Commissioner Richards said that is where she ended up. She said that the major themes <br /> are shown but at the same time, with school, a fewer percentage said they moved here because <br /> of the schools. <br /> Ryan Murray said they do not seem very happy with the schools. <br /> Commissioner Richards said that she does not know if she would go that far. She said <br /> that when the themes are pulled out, she is trying to understand what is being highlighted. <br /> Vice-Chair McKee asked for clarification on some of the responses in the survey results. <br /> He asked if he understood that they said schools are not a reason people are moving here. He <br /> said that taxes are a major issue that he hears about in the community, but the survey does not <br /> square up with what he hears. <br /> Ryan Murray said that these results come from the random sample survey, which can <br /> capture themes from the aggregate community that maybe the Board does not often hear from. <br /> He said the themes come from multiple questions where those items rose to the top for <br />