Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> • Purchase the equipment/supplies needed for the MPU; <br /> • Set up the rental procedure and documentation process, including the management of rental <br /> fees and reservations; <br /> • Assist in certification classes for potential renters of the MPU; and <br /> • Maintain the registration and plate for the trailer in which the MPU is transported. <br /> Orange County, through Cooperative Extension, agrees to securely house the MPU at either their <br /> Orange County Extension Facility or at the Breeze Farm or other mutually agreeable location and will: <br /> • Provide onsite Check-in and Check-out management of the MPU, ensuring the user <br /> agreement is signed before the renter leaves with the MPU, and that the renter complies with <br /> all other rental procedures and documentation processes; <br /> • Assist in certification classes for potential renters of the MPU; and <br /> • Maintain the equipment in working order. At any such time as funds become necessary to <br /> maintain working order of the equipment, Orange County agrees to notify Durham County of <br /> the malfunction within 5 business days of Orange County becoming aware of the needed <br /> repair or maintenance. <br /> The rental rate and any cleaning charge will be set on an annual basis through mutual agreement <br /> between County Extension Directors of the Durham County and Orange County Extension offices. If <br /> the rental rate or cleaning charge is not addressed in a given year, the rate shall remain at its then <br /> current amount. <br /> The program is primarily designed to serve the needs of Durham and Orange County poultry <br /> producers and for related training or demonstrations. With mutual agreement of the parties, the <br /> MPU can also be used for multi-county chicken processing demonstrations and rentals in our region, <br /> if not otherwise needed for renters in Durham or Orange Counties, providing that all participants <br /> work with their local County Extension office, participate in training, pay all fees, follow all guidelines, <br /> and complete the user agreement process. <br /> Sec. 3. Term <br /> This Agreement shall be effective as of September 1, 2023, and the program and this agreement shall <br /> be ongoing until such a time as either or both parties wish to end the mutual program as set forth in <br /> Section 7. Orange County will house the MPU unless there is a mutually agreeable facility in Durham <br /> County suitable for locating the unit or at such time when both parties agree in writing to change the <br /> arrangement. <br /> Sec. 4. Compensation <br /> This MOU does not include any financial or monetary compensation. Durham County shall not be <br /> obligated to pay Orange County any payments, fees, expenses, or compensation under this MOU <br /> beyond those noted in the MOU as necessary to the implementation of the MPU program, including <br /> training and mutually agreed-upon collaborative programming for new and beginning farmers. In <br /> 2 <br />