Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> 1 conducted in a way that monitors the demographics directly compared to the county's <br /> 2 demographics according to the US Census Bureau. He said they wanted to make sure that each <br /> 3 household had an equal opportunity to be selected to participate in the survey while managing <br /> 4 the methodology. He said they managed the methodology of the survey in a way that ensures <br /> 5 that they are following up with groups that are hard to reach, such as lower-income residents and <br /> 6 male residents. He said in the non-random survey, there was a higher percentage of female and <br /> 7 higher income respondents. He said their margin of error is +/-4% at the 95% level of confidence. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Slide #4 <br /> 2023 Orange County Res ident5urvey <br /> Location <br /> Survey <br /> Respondents <br /> The home address of each respondent <br /> was gecxoded to the nearest block <br /> i! <br /> .. <br /> level coordinates to ensure the <br /> respondent's anonyrnity. <br /> ETC Institute uses the geolocation of <br /> each respondent to ensure that the <br /> respondent was selected fcpr the <br /> y ;w <br /> ?� <br /> Location of Survey Respondents <br /> (Boundaries by Census Black Group) <br /> 10 <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Ryan Murray said they did a really good job of geographic distribution. He said that after the initial <br /> 13 push, they reach into the rural areas again for additional responses. He said this secured a great <br /> 14 response. <br /> 15 <br />