Orange County NC Website
32 <br /> 1 Slide #10 <br /> Project Name and Tagline <br /> Name: Orange County Land Use Plan 2050 <br /> } <br /> Tay fin e options for selection by BOCC: <br /> 1. Balancing Our Future Needs <br /> 2. Guiding Our Future <br /> 3. Planning for People and Places <br /> 2 - <br /> 3 Leigh Anne King asked the Board to decide on a tagline for the project. <br /> 4 Vice-Chair McKee said he was ok with the tagline, "Balancing Our Future Needs." <br /> 5 Commissioner Richards said the top tagline brings up the question "What are the future <br /> 6 needs?" She said she liked "Guiding Our Future." <br /> 7 Commissioner Greene said she liked the top two taglines. She said "Balancing Our Future <br /> 8 Needs" is more to the point, because there are differences in what our needs are, and the <br /> 9 challenge is to balance those. She said that she did not like tagline three ("Planning for People <br /> 10 and Places") because the plan is for more of the unincorporated areas, and "places" puts you in <br /> 11 an urban frame of mind. <br /> 12 The Board agreed by consensus to not consider tagline three. <br /> 13 Leigh Anne King said that they needed the Board to decide on a tagline during the work <br /> 14 session so they could create the website and begin publicizing the community engagement <br /> 15 program beginning in October. <br /> 16 Commissioner Hamilton said she preferred the tagline "Guiding Our Future," because <br /> 17 "Balancing Our Future Needs" brings up larger questions than what the land use plan is going to <br /> 18 address. <br /> 19 Commissioner Portie-Ascott asked if it is best practice to plan so far out; in this case, to <br /> 20 2050. <br /> 21 Leigh Anne King said that it is typical to plan 20-25 years in the future, because <br /> 22 transportation also looks that far into the future. She said comprehensive plans and transportation <br /> 23 should be aligned in the same timeframe. She said it may be updated more frequently than 20- <br /> 24 25 years. <br /> 25 Commissioner Richards asked for clarification that there will be a plan for regularly <br /> 26 updating the comprehensive plan. <br /> 27 Leigh Anne King said there will be. <br /> 28 The Board agreed by consensus on "Guiding Our Future" as the tagline. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 <br />