Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> 1 Slide#13 <br /> Overall Quality of <br /> County <br /> Development,Planning, and <br /> Zoning <br /> This itern,received the lowest levels of <br /> SatisfactianRatings <br /> Mew r@*I on a&pdrA eca e <br /> - Very Swber+ed <br /> `;.L SetieGed <br /> �4 Nxmml <br /> Qiesatisfied <br /> a=i]i01Era: <br /> - Very Oieswtisfied <br /> }ETC VSTITUTE 4- <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Ryan Murray said the GIS maps created for the presentation may give more information <br /> 4 about where perceptions may be concentrated in the community. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Slide #14 <br /> Q9. Rating of County Perceptions <br /> by parcantaga of (aadudlne"don't Merwr'l <br /> Asa place to�d a allege or a university 42% Government services Resident's <br /> Aeaelxewlive 66% 1116 *4 Believe Should Receive <br /> As a place ao rake cnlldren 43% 13% a1 Increased Funding: <br /> As a place for physical actiyiry 51% 24% S% 1. Public school operations <br /> �A..placetaad—lechddran as% 13% 71�r 2. Affordable housing <br /> Asa place to work - ss+a 11% "1 3. Behavioral/merital health <br /> As a plat,tv+w; art% xa% 6% services <br /> Asa corn munity committed to green&sustaiiahk practices M dft 13% 1% <br /> 14s aelaoeloretire 41% � — xA w In l le res po nden is a re satisfied <br /> A.,place whereyrar Feel welcome regardless of racefethnid,y d3% 24% us with the county as a place to <br /> Asa place that priorltlaec community healrh "% 31% 5% educate children,they still want <br /> As a place that prioritiaes w%irpn mental protectirn aa% n% 6% <br /> the county to prioritize <br /> macammuniry corn mlttedwfalr&eelftablepracticea sax ssz 9% education services. <br /> AvailmbilAy of imernet wr ices;n Vwr area <br /> overallime"Of rewatiad Ofcourdy gn4erdment rr 7% Other areas received lower <br /> Aaavlace where-yoocanearnallvfnawage I 15% levels of'excellent"and "good" <br /> At acom mflav Wait is Moving i d the dot ditttlol- 41AA res po nses and should be <br /> Asa place to start a husness a% 3- 17% III <br /> - prioritized by the county as well. <br /> Asa Place when you can iiid aliordahle housing 1675 Il% _�� <br /> 6'Y. Y01fi eG7i 6p1d i056 190f6 <br /> MEecelle % MGood as Neutral 11116ebw Average Eeoor <br /> 7 quality of <br /> 8 Ryan Murray said that these questions are gauging perceptions in the community, not <br /> 9 necessarily actualities. He said these are from average residents that are not always up to date <br /> 10 on what happens at meetings or in county government. <br />