Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> I Slide #11 <br /> Q3.Most critical roles for the County government In the next 10 to 20 yem <br /> by p. . C.p r..pnnd. .lso.d.c.d tip ft.n.rr tf.rrl iti,»rdsdu. <br /> Ow.ingtffordjgahpu5in8oPt7^5 a{% <br /> Making sure that ri c aryhea th&human <br /> 3576 <br /> 52 rvi[ei ere&reie6lr <br /> Preserving.openspece&parks 31•1% <br /> iocrrasingfunding for K-12 schnols 11% <br /> Mair inin!high quaRy ernergenex sen,nKes Z4% <br /> De.elnp vensponas ion dtemaeivesto sine LL% <br /> passenger cars <br /> Improves ironrne rtat custainabWO 17%: <br /> Resppn Ling S adapting to cfoyYe change 15'K <br /> Communication&engagement with the puhf <br /> Maintainingvuaity leadership ■ 1476 <br /> Redutingfb irlsetufi r "% <br /> tmproYing be4duiaref hea ds serulees 10% <br /> improving eadychlldhoodeducat+an 7@f <br /> oi.erttdg inaiv umt kam the erninm ■ <br /> lubtice Sry6t@m <br /> C1% Su91 xo% W% =% <br /> =T.opchnice ]ndchoice M3rd&.ice <br /> 2 housing,Affordable ! <br /> 3 Commissioner Hamilton asked how the percentages were calculated for slide #11. <br /> 4 Ryan Murray said the dark green shows the majority and that 95% of respondents selected <br /> 5 it as their top choice. <br /> 6 Commissioner Hamilton asked how many said it was their second choice. <br /> 7 Ryan Murray said it is about 33% and that should be out of 600. He said if they look at the <br /> 8 sum, it is 36% of the whole sample. <br /> 9 Commissioner Hamilton said it is 36% of the sample, and then the top is in the 90s. She <br /> 10 said it would be helpful to know the numbers of who is answering in the whole sample. <br /> 11 Ryan Murray said that the data is included in the report. <br /> 12 Chair Bedford asked that the full report be available for the Board at their upcoming <br /> 13 strategic plan work session. <br /> 14 Ryan Murray said these responses should be taken with a grain of salt because they have <br /> 15 been given a perception question. He said that being that it is 36%, it is not a significant amount. <br /> 16 He said that is only 1 of 3. <br /> 17 Commissioner Richards said that is where she ended up. She said that the major themes <br /> 18 are shown but at the same time, with school, a fewer percentage said they moved here because <br /> 19 of the schools. <br /> 20 Ryan Murray said they do not seem very happy with the schools. <br /> 21 Commissioner Richards said that she does not know if she would go that far. She said <br /> 22 that when the themes are pulled out, she is trying to understand what is being highlighted. <br /> 23 Vice-Chair McKee asked for clarification on some of the responses in the survey results. <br /> 24 He asked if he understood that they said schools are not a reason people are moving here. He <br /> 25 said that taxes are a major issue that he hears about in the community, but the survey does not <br /> 26 square up with what he hears. <br /> 27 Ryan Murray said that these results come from the random sample survey, which can <br /> 28 capture themes from the aggregate community that maybe the Board does not often hear from. <br /> 29 He said the themes come from multiple questions where those items rose to the top for <br />