PRC Agenda 10042023
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Parks and Recreation Council
PRC Agenda 10042023
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Last modified
10/9/2023 9:52:08 AM
Creation date
10/9/2023 9:49:03 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Meeting Summary 10042023
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Orange County Parks and Recreation Council\Minutes\2023
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thought is to install similar amenities in each park, but that this idea deserves further <br /> consideration. This concept addressed by Zhao added to the idea of incorporating art <br /> and gardens in parks, previously addressed by the body. Adding character to a park can <br /> be applied to the construction of new parks, but also be added to enhance the status of <br /> current parks. Reyman brought up the Friends of Parks and Recreation group, and how <br /> this is a topic that could be brought before them. She continued to ask about the <br /> intergovernmental council (Intergovernmental Parks Work Group) and how population <br /> growth has contributed to conversations on new amenities and partnered growth. <br /> Stancil noted this was timely considering that there is a meeting of that group next <br /> month and will put it forward as an agenda item. <br /> Stancil asked if the outline of the memo warranted any concerns to the Council. Reyman <br /> asked for clarification on the application of terminology, such as equity lens. Stancil <br /> replied that the County does have a format for an equity lens and that is planned to be <br /> utilized more by the department going forward. <br /> Louise Flinn asked for a continued conversation on partnerships and community. <br /> Reyman posed the question as to how surveys will be conducted and brought up and <br /> noted that changes to technology have revolutionized the ability to disseminate <br /> information. Colvin offered his support for the fully written section of the memo and <br /> inquired if the department keeps tabs on surrounding counties and their facilities. <br /> Stancil responded that there was recent research done by staff on the surrounding <br /> county facilities for another effort. A comparison between "peer" counties of our size <br /> would prove more insightful and compelling. Reyman asked staff to present those <br /> findings at a future meeting. Truluck asked if recent damage, and the increased risk for <br /> damage and wear, could be emphasized and spoke of within the document. Stancil <br /> thanked the Council and noted that he will use the ideas that the body presented to <br /> finalize the report and encouraged the body to continue to send in ideas. <br /> Report of the Director: <br /> a. Project/Program Updates: Stancil asked the body to keep thinking about a tour for the <br /> group of the parks. He informed them of storm damage at Blackwood Park, which was <br /> closed for three days in mid-August but reopened. He noted that the Council was due <br /> for a recreation update and will have one prepared for the body. <br /> b. October Meeting (Davis EAC, Hillsborough) - Fall Parks Tour, athletics, year of the park <br /> trail update <br /> Council and Committee Reports: <br /> a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group (next mtg 10/11/2023)— <br /> b. Items from the Council /Sharing of Volunteer Opportunities- none. <br /> Adjournment: Reyman adjourned the meeting at 8:06pm. <br /> Next Meeting: October 4, 6:30pm, Bonnie B Davis Center Board Room, Hillsborough <br />
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