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voting operated during the community group meetings as well as the design charrette <br /> schemes and the results from those. Carr presented how the Master Plan was <br /> developed and showed the body the final Master Plan that will be presented to the <br /> BOCC. Stancil stated that the community supports the final Master Plan and asked the <br /> group if they wanted to include a formal endorsement from the Parks and Recreation <br /> Council. Reyman expressed that she would like to endorse the community process in <br /> this park design. Stancil agreed that the community process worked well and would like <br /> to see this process replicated in future Master Plan designs. Chris Colvin asked if there <br /> was a gate that would be installed, and if bike racks would be included. There will be no <br /> gate, as there will be no staff to unlock it, and installing bikes racks and benches would <br /> be easy and good potential. Colvin went on to ask if there was any debate on the park's <br /> name. Stancil informed the group that this did not come up in the discussions and noted <br /> that Perry Hills is a historically underserved community. Reyman and Colvin shared that <br /> there might be potential for changing the name in the future. Following this discussion, <br /> Truluck motioned to endorse the park plan and the process; Mikki Fleming seconded. All <br /> in favor, none opposed, the motion passed. <br /> Old Business: <br /> a. a. P&R Master Plan — Draft Plan Evaluation Findings: Stancil continued the discussion <br /> on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2030 Mid-Plan review. He presented a draft <br /> memo from the Council that he will pass on to the BOCC to review. He would like to <br /> have the assessment ready to present to the BOCC by December. Reyman asked what <br /> other large items the body must address before the new year. Stancil informed that <br /> there were no other large items planned until the Outside Agency review in February. <br /> The memo includes recommendations that are based on discussions that the Council <br /> has had. He highlighted the major points addressed in the document. The first part of <br /> the memo outlines successes from the Master plan. Reyman and Fleming had questions <br /> regarding the status of the Mountains to Sea Trail. Stancil informed that the route <br /> approval and finalization took place in 2018, and several trail segments or locations are <br /> close to being finalized and approved. The next section of the document emphasizes <br /> mixed-success areas. The document goes on to discuss conditions that have changed or <br /> need to be modified. Finally, issues for further study are presented in the document, <br /> which includes level of service, an important issue that will need to be addressed <br /> continually and is at the core of how parks and recreation systems operate. Reyman <br /> asked if climate change was addressed in the plan. Stancil responded that while climate <br /> change is not addressed specifically, sustainability concerns that include climate change <br /> are. He opened the floor to thoughts and suggestions from the group. Xilong Zhao said <br /> that all the parks look very similar and suggested that the group should consider adding <br /> a "theme" or "character" to differentiate each park to make them a unique destination. <br /> It would give the parks diversity, and potentially open them up to seasonal highlights. <br /> Stancil noted that he saw the uniqueness of the idea and stated that the traditional <br />