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23 <br /> Hillsborough's funds. She noted they haven't discussed as a Board yet. She wondered if more <br /> people would use the services if they were closer. Corey Root added she wasn't sure that was <br /> true. Jenn Weaver continued four different agreements for IFC feels hard. <br /> Pam Hemminger agreed that four different agreements feel excessive—even with simplified <br /> forms, they have to send information into four places. It's a burden on them. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley added IFC wants consistency and commitment, like the Community Home <br /> Trust. She noted she wasn't advocating for that, but clarifying IFC's interests. If this were a <br /> County program, we would do it differently. IFC doesn't meet all needs, for example—they <br /> were scrambling for cold weather beds. <br /> Jamezetta Bedford noted she feels conflicted as well and we don't do an interlocal agreement <br /> for other essential agencies. She added she personally didn't believe in 1.2% set-aside for all of <br /> the County's outside agenda funding as she didn't think Commissioners should be bound to a <br /> percentage. Five years seems too long. Critical priorities change from year to year. The County <br /> Facility Needs Report will come out next month and it will be good to know our needs projected <br /> out 20 years. If we commit to a five-year timeframe with an IFC agreement, are we going to be <br /> able to do the work we need to do to be future-focused? <br /> Pam Hemminger summarized that everyone is feeling conflicted: wanting to support changing <br /> the model for shelter and reducing homelessness, but not sure the timing is right for signing a <br /> five-year agreement. What would next steps look like? <br /> Damon Seils said if the agreement is shared, what is the right approach among jurisdictions? <br /> If we assume it's a joint responsibility, what is the split? <br /> Bonnie Hammersley explained how the outside-agency funding process works with the County. <br /> The County tells the outside agencies the functions the County needs them to perform because <br /> the County isn't doing them and the agencies are funded to fulfill those needs. Damon Seils <br /> noted it's different for the municipalities because they are not hiring outside agencies to <br /> perform essential functions—they are not things the municipalities would normally do. For <br /> Hillsborough, the process works differently. There are MOUS with the Arts Council and the <br /> Exchange Club for helping with the museum. <br /> Jamezetta Bedford emphasized that the homeless services aren't mandated for the County to <br /> provide either. Bonnie Hammersley underscored COVID funding sunsets in March, which will <br /> Page 4 <br />