Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> Reviewing & Confirming the agenda <br /> Participants confirmed the following agenda, based on items sent to the facilitator in advance: <br /> 1. Follow up from January meeting <br /> 2. OCPEH <br /> a. Discussing OCPEH budget process & request <br /> b. Education and clarity re: What's CoC (Continuum of Care) and what's County <br /> c. What is the Partnership? What isn't it? What is the function? <br /> 3. Considering how to fund IFC cooperatively— MOU or another approach <br /> 4. Systems level analysis— Bigger picture—Tabled for future agendas <br /> a. What is each jurisdiction doing in tackling complex issues? <br /> Working through agenda items <br /> 1. Follow up from January meeting <br /> a. Chapel Hill shared updates on process for changing the Good Neighbor Plan: <br /> Pam Hemminger reported that someone from IFC needs to recommend any changes to the <br /> Good Neighbor Plan. Chapel Hill Town Council can't lead the process. Any proposed changes <br /> will be aired in two public hearings and would have to go through the Special Usage Permit <br /> (SUP) modification process, but wouldn't require doing away with the SUP. Considering <br /> changes to the Good Neighbor Plan would not pose a risk of losing the existing permit. <br /> b. County shared updates on the projected amount to be budgeted to give to outside agencies: <br /> Travis Myren reported the projected amount to be 1.2% of general fund expenditures <br /> minus $1.8 million. He noted that target has already been exceeded for the current fiscal <br /> year. <br /> 2. OCPEH <br /> a. OCPEH budget process & request <br /> b. Education and clarity re: What's CoC and what's County <br /> c. What is the Partnership? What isn't it? What is the function? <br /> Bonnie Hammersley noted the budget is supported by the four entities; oversight is an elected <br /> member of each jurisdiction who makes up the Executive Committee. The decision-making goes <br /> from the Executive Committee to the Leadership Team. Last year (2021), the Executive <br /> Committee didn't meet regularly. <br /> Some context is that when Corey Root started in 2016, the Partnership had one position. Now <br /> there are three positions funded by OCPEH (Homeless Programs Manager, Homeless Programs <br /> Page 2 <br />