Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> Orange County — Carrboro — Chapel Hill — Hillsborough <br /> Joint Meeting to Discuss Human Services-related agreements <br /> February 20, 2023, 2-4 pm Orange County Solid Waste Conference Room <br /> Summary Notes <br /> Overall Objective: To develop a more holistic and integrated analysis and approach toward <br /> addressing the community's homeless and broader housing and human services needs in order <br /> to allocate resources in a way that maximizes impacts. <br /> ***See page 3 for more context about original guiding questions *** <br /> Participants <br /> Jamezetta Bedford, Chris Blue, Loryn Clark, Matt Efird, Bonnie Hammersley, Margaret Hauth, <br /> Pam Hemminger, Travis Myren, Mary Jane Nirdlinger, Corey Root, Damon Seils, Anne-Marie <br /> Vanaman. Sarah Vinas, Jenn Weaver, Richard White <br /> Facilitation: Maggie Chotas, DSC <br /> Summary Notes <br /> Clarifying the Role and Function of the MMC <br /> After affirming group norms, the group considered the following clarifying questions related to <br /> the role and function of the MMC: <br /> 1. How are decisions or plans of action/next steps made in these meetings? How are <br /> different roles taken into account? <br /> - Recommendations may come out of this group, but we don't take formal action in <br /> the MMC <br /> - Timeliness is always a process <br /> - If we don't reach consensus, we can send more than one option to our respective <br /> boards <br /> - This group is an opportunity to learn about where we are and consider where to go <br /> —to see where we sit with high altitude questions <br /> - All are welcome to participate in discussions. Any recommendations will come from <br /> elected officials <br /> 2. Request for recording— how to approach this? <br /> The group decided not to have recordings for the meeting. Maggie Chotas, the <br /> facilitator, noted she will summarize notes from flipcharts and her own <br /> contemporaneous notes. As always, draft summary notes will be shared with the group <br /> for review and revision before considered final. After notes are final, they can be <br /> released to governing boards. <br />