Agenda 10-10-2023; 5 - Discussion on the County’s Participation in Mayors, Managers, Chair (MMC) Meetings
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-10-2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs' Association and Work Session
Agenda 10-10-2023; 5 - Discussion on the County’s Participation in Mayors, Managers, Chair (MMC) Meetings
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Last modified
10/5/2023 3:53:53 PM
Creation date
10/5/2023 3:55:24 PM
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Agenda Item
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Agenda for October 10, 2023 Joint Meeting with Chiefs’ Association and Regular Work Session
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10 <br /> Hillsborough doesn't have any staff people dedicated to housing. Margaret has <br /> taken on the role because it's so important. When you add up the amounts <br /> Hillsborough is paying on the MOUs it's over 2 cents on the tax rate; if we had met <br /> all last year's requests at our percentage it would have exceeded so it would have <br /> left nothing for the Coalition's request. Margaret also said she is leaving and the <br /> person who comes after her won't have the institutional knowledge she has gained <br /> Chapel Hill's housing office includes affordable housing and community <br /> connections. There are two dedicated affordable housing staff currently and then <br /> two senior manager positions. In terms of resources, Chapel Hill has about $15 <br /> million total to implement affordable housing strategies, including the $10 million <br /> affordable housing bond which will be fully allocated as of November. Dedicate 1 <br /> cent on the property tax rate which generates about $600,000— not quite there, <br /> but working toward 1 cent <br /> - Orange County has 49 staff which includes program staff. There has been rapid <br /> expansion to try to meet unmet needs during the pandemic. The Partnership had <br /> one staff person at the beginning of 2020. By December 2020, 12 staff. Pushed out <br /> $12 million in rental and utility assistance and shored up nonprofits <br /> Housing Help Line supported by ARPA funding— hope that can stay in place <br /> We need a no barrier best practice with IFC—good neighbor plan has barriers. <br /> Housing First <br /> We've created these units— how do we get chronically homeless into them? <br /> Individual jurisdiction goals <br /> Each jurisdiction will be different based on size, capacity <br /> We all want affordable housing <br /> - Carrboro: Help people stay in their homes and expand the number of units, whether <br /> that's permanently affordable units or just the number of units that are available to <br /> shape the direction of the housing market and availability of housing <br /> - Chapel Hill: More affordable housing units and the SOHRAD because most people who <br /> don't have somewhere else to be tend to hang out in the downtown areas - helping <br /> them transition into better situations helps our downtown <br /> - Hillsborough: Find ways to expand the number of affordable units that don't require <br /> municipal dollars be spent—trying to incentivize <br /> - The County's overarching goal is to be the social safety net. It doesn't build housing, but <br /> can provide other supports <br /> Partnership to End Homelessness <br /> Budget Timeline for Partnership to End Homelessness <br /> Jamezetta presented a proposed budget timeline for the Partnership to End Homelessness, <br /> designed to help be proactive and transparent about steps. See the proposal in the Appendix. <br /> Page 5 <br />
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