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5 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />Phase 2.1: Develop Current Policy Profile <br />The Clarion team will prepare an exis�ng policy summary document that synthesizes the policy guidance <br />included in relevant County plans including the future Strategic Plan, the One Orange County Racial Equity <br />Plan, Orange County Transit Plan, Parks Master Plan, all exis�ng land use and small area plans, and a <br />summary of recently adopted municipal plans. This policy profile will be organized to provide a concise <br />summary of policy guidance provided by planning topic. It will iden�fy the general direc�on of policies on <br />different topics and the document providing this direc�on. This document will serve as the baseline of <br />County policies for developing the new plan’s policies. The Clarion team will work with County Staff to <br />iden�fy which policy documents or sec�ons of documents are s�ll relevant. A dra� will be provided for <br />staff review and comment. It will be shared with the Staff Working Group and will be posted to the project <br />website for viewing by community residents. The link to this policy profile can be distributed widely <br />through the community with the explana�on that it summarizes the founda�onal adopted policies that <br />this planning process will build upon. <br /> <br />Phase 2.2: Staff Working Group Mee�ngs #2-#5 <br />The Clarion team will facilitate a series of Staff Working Group mee�ngs as follows: <br /> <br />• Mee�ng #2 (virtual): Report on key findings from stakeholder interviews, provide update on <br />Current Policy Profile, and discuss approached for Community Engagement Window (CEW) #1 <br />• Mee�ng #3 (virtual): Present final approach for CEW #1, discuss roles for Staff Working Group <br />members at CEW #1, and provide early snapshot of trends and planning influences data <br />• Mee�ng #4 (virtual): Present Current Policy Profile and provide preliminary CEW #1 findings <br />• Mee�ng #5 (virtual): Present final CEW #1 report, present New Issues and Opportuni�es Report, <br />share plan for briefing Planning Board and Board of County Commissioners <br /> <br />Task 2.3: Briefing to Board of County Commissioners <br />A mid-phase briefing to the Board of Commissioners will be conducted to present the findings of the <br />stakeholder interviews, the approach for the first community engagement window (Confirming <br />Community Aspira�ons), and a general project update. <br />Task 2.4: Prepare Equity Database <br />Tate Consul�ng will work with Orange County Staff, and poten�ally the Office of Equity and Inclusion to <br />develop an “equity database” to include leaders, nonprofits, and allies in the underserved community that <br />have a stake in Orange County’s future. These members of the community will be important allies in the <br />planning process and strategic outreach approaches can be taken to engage these community members <br />to ensure that the process is engaging the hardest to reach popula�ons, including Black/ African <br />American, Hispanic/La�no, LGBTQIA+, persons with disabili�es, persons suffering from homelessness, and <br />other community members that have been historically disadvantaged. <br /> <br />Task 2.5: Community Engagement Window #1 (CEW #1) – Confirming Community Aspira�ons <br />The Confirming Community Aspira�ons community engagement window is focused on accomplishing <br />three objec�ves: tes�ng and confirming cri�cal planning issues to address in the plan, defining community <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C4C0744-8A68-4BE3-8967-7FABC6CFA5A1