Orange County NC Website
11 Orange County Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />This collabora�ve effort will focus on the cri�cal planning linkage between land use and transporta�on, <br />and will consider economic, resiliency, environmental, working lands, and equity issues that play a role in <br />shaping the community. Land use areas will be defined by placemaking priori�es envisioned for each <br />unique area. Iden�fica�on of new development standards needed or zoning changes required will be part <br />of the discussion. A SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportuni�es, and Challenges) analysis will be <br />prepared for each of the 3-4 land use alterna�ves, with a par�cular emphasis on how equity is impacted <br />by land use alterna�ves and an evalua�on of how well each alterna�ve aligns with currently adopted <br />policies iden�fied in Task 2.1. <br /> <br />Task 4.3: Development of Land Use & Development Recommenda�ons Report <br />The Clarion team will compile the results of Task 4.2 into a report format for review by the project Staff <br />Working Group. At Staff Working Group mee�ng #8, the Commitee will discuss the findings of the report <br />and be led through a facilitated full or small group discussion to iden�fy the preferred aspects of each <br />alterna�ve to include in the public review dra� of the plan. <br /> <br />Task 4.4: Briefing to Board of Commissioners <br />A briefing to the Board of Commissioners will be conducted to provide any addi�onal findings of the <br />Phase 3 technical analysis not previously shared, to gain feedback on cri�cal planning policy decisions that <br />will require tes�ng with the community during CEW #2, and a general project update. <br /> <br />Task 4.5: Develop Plan Policies and Ac�ons <br />The Clarion team will build off the previous tasks and develop a dra� set of policies and implementa�on <br />ac�ons for each plan chapter. We an�cipate that this will include the full range of comprehensive planning <br />topics included in the RFP on pages 13-14. The organiza�on of the policies, strategies, and ac�ons will <br />follow the plan framework iden�fied in Task 4.1. The Clarion team will evaluate the equity implica�ons of <br />all policies and make recommenda�ons to support vulnerable popula�ons. Addi�onal special policy <br />considera�ons are discussed below. <br /> <br />Task 4.5.1 Resiliency and Hazard Mi�ga�on Policies, Strategies, and Ac�ons <br />Equinox will iden�fy policies, strategies, and ac�ons that will be effec�ve in reducing community <br />vulnerability to climate and non-climate related hazards. Strategies and ac�ons related to land use are <br />especially relevant. These will guide recommended infrastructure investments and design standards, <br />community preparedness tac�cs, and emergency management and stormwater approaches. <br /> <br />Depending on the projected growth paterns throughout the County, there is a need to build resilience <br />into the growth strategy prior to new development occurring. Primary threats and types of considera�ons <br />also vary throughout geographic areas of the County so these may need to be tailored for specific areas. <br />As an example, the County may want to focus new affordable housing developments in areas that are less <br />exposed to hazards (such as flooding), while simultaneously loca�ng in areas with other desirable <br />characteris�cs (such as access to transit and proximity to grocery stores). A series of policy statements and <br />implementa�on strategies and ac�ons will be developed and located within each appropriate plan <br />chapter to reinforce these objec�ves. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3C4C0744-8A68-4BE3-8967-7FABC6CFA5A1