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9 <br /> 17)Orange High School Road/Harold Latta Road Sidewalk Improvements: Construct a sidewalk <br /> along the west side of Orange High School Road from Harold Latta Road to U.S. 70, construct <br /> a sidewalk along the south side of Harold Latta Road from Cloverfield Drive to Orange Grove <br /> Road, install high visibility crosswalks and in-road signage at school entrances and exits on <br /> Orange Grove Road, and construct a sidewalk along entrance roads to CW Stanford Middle <br /> School. <br /> 18)Orange Grove Road/1-40 Pedestrian Bridge: Construct a pedestrian bridge over 1-40 alongside <br /> Orange Grove Road (SR 1006), construct a sidewalk along the north side of Orange Grove <br /> Road (SR 1006) from the pedestrian bridge to Timbers Drive, construct sidewalks along both <br /> sides of New Grady Brown School Road with a midblock crossing, and construct a sidewalk <br /> along one side of Oakdale Drive from Cheshire Drive to Orange Grove Road <br /> 19) 1-85 Pedestrian Bridge: Construct a pedestrian bridge across 1-85 to connect southern <br /> Hillsborough neighborhoods with Collins Ridge, Daniel Boone Village, and Downtown <br /> Hillsborough. <br /> 20)Trail Connection from English Hill Lane to Buttonwood Dr: Construct a multi-use path <br /> connecting English Hill Lane to Buttonwood Drive <br /> 21)Trail Connection from Patriot's Pointe to Timbers Dr: Construct a multi-use path connecting <br /> the southwest corner of Patriots Pointe to Timbers Drive to shorten walking distances for <br /> pedestrians. <br /> 22)Orange Grove Road Extension/NC 86 Connector: Extend Orange grove road from Old NC 86 <br /> (S. Churton Street) to NC 86 with multimodal accommodations and taking into consideration <br /> the new Hillsborough Train Station. <br /> 23)NC 10 Improvements - Modernize NC 10 from NC 86 to US 70 Business with NCDOT <br /> standard street cross-section 2B (60' row, 11' travel lanes, with 5' paved shoulder), add turn <br /> lanes and safety improvements at Lawrence Road (SR-1561) New Hope Church Road (SR- <br /> 1723), University Station Road (SR-1712), Mt. Harmon Church Road (SR-1339) and US 70 <br /> Business. <br /> 24)Regional Multimodal Transportation Center — Centralized mobility hub in Orange County <br /> connecting all transit agencies together to Amtrak, bike/ped facilities and park-n-ride lot, also <br /> considered a Regional Transfer Center. <br /> Upon motion of Commissioner , seconded by Commissioner <br /> the foregoing resolution was adopted this the day of September, 2023. <br /> 1, Laura Jensen, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North Carolina, DO <br /> HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of said Board at a <br /> meeting held on September 19, 2023, as relates in any way to the adoption of the foregoing and that <br /> said proceedings are recorded in the minutes of said Board. <br /> WITNESS my hand and the seal of said County, this day of 2023. <br /> Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br />